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Handbook of Biologics for Rheumatological Disorders
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Main description:

Biologics have revolutionized the treatment of autoimmune diseases due to their efficacy, speed of onset, and tolerability. The development of new agents and expanded use of existing agents continues to be a highly active area of investigation among rheumatic diseases, with a multitude of innovative therapeutic strategies in various stages of development. Although the story of treatments continues rapidly, therapeutic research in some conditions is hindered by the rarity of the disease, variation in phenotype, and concerns about toxicity. This fast-paced development of therapeutics,necessitates immediate evaluation of individual biologic agents and their best use in the new treatment regimens.
This book provides an inclusive approach with the existing evidence concerning effectiveness and implications on the usage of biologics in treating various rheumatologic disorders. It also covers the evidence behind the rational use of these agents in varied autoimmune diseases. This manual also offers a complete overview of the existing & futuristic biologic treatments, and draws recommendations on how to standardize the most suitable regimen for a specific patient in the context of current guidelines. The handbook of Biologics in Rheumatology serves as a present and concise compendium to the modern therapeutic developments in the field.
This book is likely to benefit clinicians, residents, fellow and other healthcare workers dealing with rheumatological disorders, and also hard-core Rheumatologists, who are looking for a quick recap of Biologics of their interest.


1. History of Biologics
2. Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Biologics in Spondylarthritis
4. Biologics in Psoriatic Arthritis
5. Biologics in Gout
6. Biologics in Lupus
7. Biologics in Sjogren's Syndrome
8. Biologics in Systemic Sclerosis
9. Biologics in Inflammatory Myopathies
10. Biologics in ANCA Associated Vasculitis
11. Biologics inBehcet's Syndrome
12. Biologicsin Takayasu's Arteritis
13. Biologics in Interstitial lung disease in Rheumatological conditions
14. Biologics in Osteoporosis
15. Biologics in Osteoarthritis
16. Biologics in JIA
17. Biologics in Paediatric CTD
18. JAK inhibitors in Rheumatology
19. Biologics in Rheumatic disease with Infections
20. Biologics in Rheumatological conditions with Malignancy
21. Biologics in Uveitis
22. Biologics in Sarcoidosis
23. Biologics in IgG4-RD
24. Biosimilar in Rheumatology
25. Off label use of Biologics in Rheumatological disorders
26. Biologics & Ethical issues in Rheumatology
27. Patient consent for use of biologics


ISBN-13: 9789811672026
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag, Singapore)
Publication date: March, 2023
Pages: 288
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Rheumatology


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