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Handbook of Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders
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Main description:

Handbook of Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders is a user-friendly handbook that reviews the latest and most up-to-date information on the evaluation of symptoms and diagnostic tests of GI motility and functional GI disorders and a practical approach on how to treat these disorders. Each chapter is written by an international expert in the field who was carefully chosen for his or her renowned scientific and clinical expertise. The book brings together the essence of science and art in the practice of neurogastroenterology and GI motility.

The chapters are enriched with algorithms, tables, and figures to enhance learning and readability. Each chapter follows a specific outline; chapters on symptoms follow the format of definition, pathophysiology, and evaluation of the symptoms, whereas the chapters on specific disorders follow the format of definition, diagnosis, and treatment. This allows for quick reading of the various chapters and to gain up-to-date knowledge of the topic.

Each chapter also includes extensive color pictures and illustrations of each test involved and descriptions of how to perform and interpret the motility tests that are incorporated into patient care decisions.

Handbook of Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders by Drs. Satish S. C. Rao, Henry P. Parkman, and Richard W. McCallum will be useful for practicing physicians, junior academicians, GI fellows, young faculty, motility laboratory personnel, surgeons, internists, physician assistants, family practitioners, and nurse practitioners who all encounter the common problems of dysphagia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and fecal incontinence in their daily practice.

The update on management and therapy completes the Handbook of Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders and explains how to integrate this diagnostic information into decision making, and how to translate this to day-to-day patient care.


About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Robert S. Fisher, MD

Section I Esophageal Disorders
Chapter 1 Esophageal Symptoms: Dysphagia, Heartburn, and Esophageal Chest Pain
Maria Samuel, MD and C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP
Chapter 2 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Wojciech Blonski, MD, PhD and Joel E. Richter, MD, FACP, MACG
Chapter 3 Achalasia
Andrew J. Gawron, MD, PhD, MS and John E. Pandolfino, MD, MSCI
Chapter 4 Esophageal Spasm and Hypercontractile and Hypertensive Motility Disorders
Mark R. Fox, MD, MA, FRCP and Rami Sweis, MD, PhD, MRCP
Chapter 5 Cricopharyngeal Disorders
Kevin A. Ghassemi, MD and Jeffrey L. Conklin, MD
Chapter 6 Esophageal Hypersensitivity
Jose M. Remes-Troche, MD and Ronnie Fass, MD

Section II Gastric Disorders
Chapter 7 Symptoms of Gastric Dysmotility: Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Postprandial Fullness, and Early Satiety
William L. Hasler, MD
Chapter 8 Gastroparesis
Sameer Dhalla, MD, MHS and Pankaj Jay Pasricha, MD
Chapter 9 Functional Dyspepsia
Jan Tack, MD, PhD
Chapter 10 Dumping Syndrome
Patrick Berg, BS and Richard W. McCallum, MD, FACP, FRACP (AUST), FACG, AGAF
Chapter 11 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Thangam Venkatesan, MD and Erica A. Samuel, MD
Chapter 12 Rumination Syndrome
Chad J. Cooper, MD; Joseph K. Sunny, Jr, MD; and Richard W. McCallum, MD, FACP, FRACP (AUST), FACG, AGAF

Section III Small Intestinal Disorders
Chapter 13 Small Intestinal Dysmotility Symptoms: Bloating, Distension, and Gas
Juan R. Malagelada, MD and Carolina Malagelada, PhD, MD
Chapter 14 Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction
Robert M. Siwiec, MD and John M. Wo, MD
Chapter 15 Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Baha Moshiree, MD and Yehuda Ringel, MD, AGAF, FACG
Chapter 16 Food Intolerance and Dietary Concepts in Functional Bowel Disorders
Abimbola O. Aderinto-Adike, MD and Eamonn M.M. Quigley, MD, FRCP, FACP, FACG, FRCPI

Section IV Colonic and Anorectal Disorders
Chapter 17 Colonic Symptoms: Constipation, Diarrhea, and Fecal Incontinence
Lawrence R. Schiller, MD
Chapter 18 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Elizabeth J. Videlock, MD and Lin Chang, MD
Chapter 19 Slow Transit Constipation
Richard J. Saad, MD, MS
Chapter 20 Dyssynergic Defecation and Constipation
Gina Sam, MD, MPH and Satish S.C. Rao, MD, PhD, FRCP
Chapter 21 Fecal Incontinence
William E. Whitehead, PhD; Steve Heymen, PhD; and Giuseppe Chiarioni, MD
Chapter 22 Anorectal Disorders: Fecal Impaction, Descending Perineum Syndrome, Rectocele, and Levator Ani Syndrome
Satish S.C. Rao, MD, PhD, FRCP and Kulthep Rattanakovit, MD
Chapter 23 Diabetes and the Gut
Christopher K. Rayner, MBBS, PhD, FRACP; Karen L. Jones, Dip App Sci (Nuc Med), PhD; and Michael Horowitz, MBBS, PhD, FRACP
Chapter 24 Scleroderma and the Gut
Deborah M. Bethards, MD and Ann Ouyang, MD
Chapter 25 Opiate-Induced Bowel Dysfunction
Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD; Marc Schwartz, MD; and Douglas A. Drossman, MD

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ISBN-13: 9781617118180
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: May, 2015
Pages: 368
Weight: 907g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Gastroenterology


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