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Main description:
Following on from 2015's Healthcare Reform, Quality and Safety: Perspectives, Participants, Partnerships and Prospects in 30 Countries, this book encompasses a global perspective on healthcare while shifting the focus from reform to showcasing success stories of healthcare systems worldwide. It provides explanations of why various facets of healthcare systems work well in different contexts and offers the reader alternative models for consideration. The book features contributions from 60 countries, going much further than the common practice of focusing on affluent Western nations, to provide a comprehensive exploration of the success of healthcare systems globally. The majority of literature on health-sector improvement attempts to address the problems within systems, relating the errors that can and do occur, for example, and offering solutions and preventative strategies. This book of country case studies will approach the enhancement of health systems, patient safety and the quality of care in a new and innovative way, comprehensively surveying and synthesizing the success stories of healthcare systems around the world, utilizing Hollnagel's Safety-II approach to acknowledge the importance of exploring what goes right, what works well, and why it works. These success stories may include reference to macro, meso or micro levels of healthcare systems, various sectors (e.g., aged care, acute care or primary care), or specific programs or projects. Health System Improvement Across the Globe: Success Stories from 60 Countries is unprecedented in terms of both reach and positive emphasis, and as such will be instrumental in changing ways of thinking about and guiding health-sector improvement.
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Part I The Americas
1 Argentina: Successful Initiatives in Quality and Patient Safety in Argentina
2 Brazil: Knowledge Management for Quality Improvement in Brazil
3 Canada: Improving Stroke Outcomes in Canada: The Accreditation Canada Stroke Distinction Program
4 Chile: Constructing Symbolic Capital: A Case Study from Chile
5 Ecuador: Improving Hospital Management as Part of the Health Reform Process in Ecuador: The Case of Abel Gilbert Ponton Hospital
6 Guyana: Holistic Geriatric Mega-Clinics for Care of the Elderly in Guyana
7 Mexico: Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy of Mexican Health Reform: Content, Conditions for Implementation, and Sustainability
8 The United States of America: The Use of Report Cards and Outcome Measurements to Improve the Safety of Surgical Care: The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
9 Venezuela: Mision Barrio Adentro: Universal Health Coverage Efforts in Venezuela
Part II Africa
10 Ghana: Arresting the Brain Drain in Ghana
11 Namibia: A Public Health Approach to Quality Management: How a Disease-Specific Improvement Program Propelled a National Health-Systems-Wide Quality Program in Namibia
12 Nigeria: Removing the Imaginary Walls That Divide and Limit
13 Rwanda: Community-Based Health Insurance in Rwanda: How It Fostered Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
14 South Africa: The Development of an Equitable National Juristic Body to Regulate Public and Private Healthcare Establishments in South Africa: A Progress Report
15 West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone): Quality Improvement in Ebola-Affected Countries: From Recoveryto Resilience
Part III Europe
16 Austria: Stroke Units in Austria: Incubators for Improved Health Outcomes
17 Denmark: Cancer Patient Pathways
18 England: A NICE Success Story from the English National Health Service
19 Estonia: Primary Healthcare Reform as a Promoter of Quality in the Estonian Healthcare System
20 Finland: Evidence-Based Medicine and Health Information Technology: Transforming Clinical Practices in Finland
21 France: The French Healthcare System and Its Alternative Approach to Patient Safety
22 Germany: Scaling Up a Population-Based Integrated Healthcare System: The Case of " Healthy Kinzigtal" in Germany
23 Ireland: St. James' s Hospital National Haemophilia System
24 Israel: A Nationwide Health Information Exchange Program in Israel: A Unique Case Study
25 Italy: Post-Marketing Successful Strategies to Manage Pharmaceutical Innovation
26 Malta: Reform of the Medical Profession and Reversal of Brain Drain in Malta: A Success Story
27 The Netherlands: Patient Safety in Dutch Hospitals: How Can We Explain Success?
28 Northern Ireland: Adopting a Collaborative Approach to Improve Care for Women and Their Babies in Northern Ireland
29 Norway: Improving Patient Safety in Norwegian Hospitals through a Standardized Approach toward the Measurement and Monitoring of Adverse Events
30 Portugal: Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infection in Portuguese Hospitals: A Collaborative Approach toward Quality Improvement
31 Russia: Progress in Healthcare Quality in Russia
32 Scotland: Partnership and Collaboration as the Hallmark of Scottish Healthcare Improvement
33 Serbia: Using Data to Protect Vulnerable Children
34 Spain: Organ Donation and Transplantation: ONT's Success Story
35 Sweden: Sweden Mines the Gold in Clinical Data for Research and Better Patient Care
36 Switzerland: Switzerland's Use of Breakthrough Collaboratives to Improve Patient Safety
37 Turkey: Establishment of a National Healthcare Accreditation System
38 Wales: Implementing Shared Decision-Making in Practice: Demonstrating Strategic Improvement
Part IV Eastern Mediterranean
39 Afghanistan: Improving Afghanistan's Hospital Services: Implementation of Minimum Required Standards
40 The Gulf States (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates): Unified Procurement of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplied for Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Great Success Story
41 Iran: Iran's Health Transformation Plan
42 Jordan: Health Care Accreditation Council of Jordan: Driving System Reform, Patient Safety, and Quality
43 Lebanon: "You Don't Have to be Superman to Save Lives. Give Blood": Improving the Health System through Social Innovation-The Case of Donner Sang Compter
44 Oman: Al-Shifa Electronic Health Record System: From Simple Start to Paradigm Model
45 Pakistan: Health Systems, Accreditation, and Databases: Pakistan's Perspective
46 Qatar: Successful Implementation of a Deteriorating Patient Safety Net System: The Qatar Early Warning System
47 The United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi Healthcare Reform: Improving Quality through a Single Payment System
48 Yemen: Improvement of Basic Health Services in Yemen: A Successful Donor-Driven Improvement Initiative
Part V South-East Asia and the Western Pacific
49 Australia: Two Decades of Evolving a Patient Safety System: An Australian Story of Reducing Harm to Deteriorating Patients
50 China: Self-Service Encounter System in Tertiary Hospitals
51 Fiji: A Context-Specific Approach to Primary Care Strengthening in Fiji
52 Hong Kong: Integrating Care for High-Risk Elderly Patients after Discharge from Hospitals in Hong Kong
53 India: India' s Road Map to "Affordable and Safe Health for All" through Public- Private Partnership
54 Japan: Universal Insurance
55 Malaysia: From Maternal Mortality to Maternal Health: The Malaysian Experience
56 New Zealand: Ko Awatea: Improving Quality, Promoting Innovation
57 Papua New Guinea: Establishment of the Provincial Health
Authority in Papua New Guinea
58 Taiwan: Taiwan's Health Information Technology Journey: From Flash Drive to Health Cloud
Discussion and Conclusion
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Publication date: August, 2017
Pages: 472
Weight: 953g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice