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Imaging for Forensics and Security
From Theory to Practice
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Main description:

Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice provides a detailed analysis of new imaging and pattern recognition techniques for the understanding and deployment of biometrics and forensic techniques as practical solutions to increase security. It contains a collection of the recent advances in the technology ranging from theory, design, and implementation to performance evaluation of biometric and forensic systems. This book also contains new methods such as the multiscale approach, directional filter bank, and wavelet maxima for the development of practical solutions to biometric problems.

The book introduces a new forensic system based on shoeprint imagery with advanced techniques for use in forensics applications. It also presents the concept of protecting the originality of biometric images stored in databases against intentional and unintentional attacks and fraud detection data in order to further increase the security.


Focuses on the deployment of (i) a multiscale approach, (ii) Directional Filter Bank and (iii) Wavelets maxima to meet the constraints of modern biometric solutions

Proposes the use of data hiding and watermarking principles to further increase the security of biometric systems

Contains information on the development of a fully-automated shoeprint image indexing and retrieval system, which is different from previous equivalent literature

Presents the forensic application of the most recently developed CBIR techniques, which is one of the prevalent topics in the areas of image processing and information retrieval

Demonstrates the techniques presented with shoeprint images from Scene-of-Crimes (SoC)

Back cover:

Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice provides a detailed analysis of new imaging and pattern recognition techniques for the understanding and deployment of biometrics and forensic techniques. These techniques can be used for practical solutions to increase security.  The material contains a collection of the recent advances in the technology ranging from theory, design, and implementation to performance evaluation of biometric and forensic systems.  It also addresses new methods such as the multiscale approach, directional filter bank, and wavelet maxima for the development of practical solutions to biometric problems.

The author introduces a new forensic system based on shoeprint imagery with advanced techniques for use in forensics applications.  The material also presents the concept of protecting the originality of biometric images stored in databases against intentional and unintentional attacks and fraud detection data in order to further increase the security.

Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice is a useful tool for researchers and practitioners in imaging for security and forensics.


and Preliminaries on Biometrics and Forensics Systems.- Data Representation and Analysis.- Improving Face Recognition Using Directional Faces.- Recent Advances in Iris Recognition: A Multiscale Approach.- Spread Transform Watermarking Using Complex Wavelets.- Protection of Fingerprint Data Using Watermarking.- Shoemark Recognition for Forensic Science: An Emerging Technology.- Techniques for Automatic Shoeprint Classification.- Automatic Shoeprint Image Retrieval Using Local Features.


ISBN-13: 9780387095318
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Publication date: July, 2009
Pages: 230
Weight: 505g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Forensics
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