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Integrated Palliative Care of Respiratory Disease
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Main description:

This book brings together the knowledge, skills and attitudes of specialists in both Respiratory Medicine and Palliative Medicine to focus on the palliative care of patients with respiratory diseases. It deals not only with end of life care but also with symptom control and supportive care to improve the quality of life of those living their lives with advanced progressive lung disease.


Written by consultants in Respiratory Medicine and Palliative Medicine

Practical application of the principles of palliative care to progressive lung disease with analysis and management of specific respiratory symptoms

Detailed review of the management of specific respiratory diseases including symptom control and supportive care of chronic respiratory disability as well as end-of-life care

Back cover:

Palliative care of respiratory disease is often complex because of the high level of symptoms experienced by these patients and the variable and sometimes unpredictable trajectories of these diseases. It is often most appropriate to integrate palliative care into the multidisciplinary team with specialist palliative care clinicians working alongside the respiratory team. This encourages a focus on symptom management, supportive care and quality of life at an earlier stage in the disease process, and can facilitate discussions about advanced care planning and end of life issues.

Integrated Palliative Care of Respiratory Disease brings together the knowledge, skills and attitudes of specialists in both respiratory and palliative medicine to focus on the palliative care of patients with respiratory diseases. The book begins with an overview of palliative care principles in relation to the palliation of chronic progressive lung disease, then delves into the causation and management of specific respiratory symptoms, and concludes with an overview of the management of the major lung diseases. This comprehensive text deals not only with end of life care but also with symptom control and supportive care to improve the quality of life of those living with advanced progressive lung disease.  

This book is an invaluable reference for doctors, trainees and clinical nurse specialists in respiratory and palliative medicine, and would be of interest to anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of the complex nature of palliative care in respiratory disease.


Ch. 1: Palliative Care of Respiratory Disease

Stephen J. Bourke, E. Timothy Peel

Ch. 2: Breathlessness

E. Timothy Peel, Graham P. Burns

Ch. 3: Haemoptysis

Bernard Higgins

Ch. 4: Cough and Respiratory Secretions

Stephen J. Bourke

Ch. 5: Pain in Respiratory Disease

Eleanor Grogan

Ch. 6: Lung Cancer

Bernard Higgins, E. Timothy Peel

Ch. 7: Pleural Effusions and Mesothelioma

Chris Stenton, E. Timothy Peel

Ch. 8: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Graham P. Burns, Rachel Quibell

Ch. 9: Interstitial Lung Disease

Ian A. Forrest, E. Timothy Peel

Ch. 10: Cystic Fibrosis

Stephen J. Bourke, Rachel Quibell

Ch. 11: Respiratory Care in Neuromuscular Disease

Stephen C. Bourke, Catherine O’Neill

Ch. 12: Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit

Alistair D. Gascoigne, Stephen J. Bourke

Ch. 13: End of Life Care

Paul Paes, Eleanor Grogan


ISBN-13: 9781447158653
Publisher: Springer (Springer London)
Publication date: January, 2015
Pages: 258
Weight: 397g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Diseases and Disorders, Respiratory Medicine
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