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Integrative Human Biochemistry
A Textbook for Medical Biochemistry
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Main description:

This book covers in detail the mechanisms for how energy is managed in the human body. The basic principles that elucidate the reactivity and physical interactions of matter are addressed and quantified with simple approaches. Three-dimensional representations of molecules are presented throughout the book so molecules can be viewed as unique entities in their shape and function. The book is focused on the molecular mechanisms of cellular processes in the context of human physiological situations such as fasting, feeding and physical exercise, in which metabolic regulation is highlighted. Furthermore the book uses key historical experiments that opened up new concepts in Biochemistry to further illustrate how the human body functions at molecular level, helping students to appreciate how scientific knowledge emerges.


This book also:


·           Elucidates the foundations of the molecular events of life


·       &nb

sp; Uses key historical experiments that opened up new concepts in Biochemistry to further illustrate how the human body functions at molecular level, helping students to appreciate how scientific knowledge emerges


·        Provides realistic representations of molecules throughout the book


Advance Praise for Integrative Human Biochemistry


“This textbook provid

es a modern and integrative perspective of human biochemistry and will be a faithful companion to health scie

nce students following curricula in which this discipline is addressed. This textbook will be a most useful tool for the teaching community.”


–Joan Guinovart

Director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain

President-elect of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,



Elucidates the foundations of the molecular events of life

Uses key historical experiments that opened up new concepts in Biochemistry to further illustrate how the human body functions at molecular level, helping students to appreciate how scientific knowledge emerges

Provides realistic representations of molecules throughout the book

Back cover:

This book covers in detail the mechanisms for how energy is managed in the human body. The basic principles that elucidate the reactivity and physical interactions of matter are addressed and quantified with simple approaches. Three-dimensional representations of molecules are presented throughout the book so molecules can be viewed as unique entities in their shape and function. The book is focused on the molecular mechanisms of cellular processes in the context of human physiological situations such as fasting, feeding and physical exercise, in which metabolic regulation is highlighted. Furthermore the book uses key historical experiments that opened up new concepts in Biochemistry to further illustrate how the human body functions at molecular level, helping students to appreciate how scientific knowledge emerges.

This book also:

·            Elucidates the foundations of the molecular events of life


      Uses key historical experiments that opened up new concepts in Biochemistry to further illustrate how the human body functions at molecular level, helping students to appreciate how scientific knowledge emerges

·           Provides realistic representations of molecules throughout the book

Advance Praise for Integrative Human Biochemistry

“This textbook provides a modern and integrative perspective of hum

an biochemistry and will be a faithful companion to health science students following curricula in whic


this discipline is addressed. This textbook will be a most useful tool for the teaching community.”

–Joan Guinovart

Director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain

President-elect of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,



Introduction: Life is made of molecules!.- The Chemistry and Physics of Life.- The Families of Biological Molecules.- Introduction to Metabolism.- The Regulation of Metabolism; Energy Conservation in Metabolism: The Mechanisms of ATP Synthesis.- Catabolism of the Major Biomolecules.- Metabolic Responses to Hyperglycemia.-  Regulation and Integration of Metabolism During Hypoglycemia.- Regulation and Integration of Metabolism During Physical Activity.- Control of Body Weight and the Modern Metabolic Diseases.


ISBN-13: 9781493930579
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: October, 2015
Pages: 325
Weight: 944g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Physiology


Miguel A.R.B. Castanho, PhD, is Principal Investigator at the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Head of the Biochemistry Department of the School of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Andrea T. Da Poian, PhD, is Principal Investigator at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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