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Main description:
For more than 20 years, Integrative Therapies in Rehabilitation has been the most researched resource on complementary and alternative therapies in rehabilitation. This renowned text, now in its fourth edition, relates the updated scientific evidence and the clinical efficacy of integrating what have now become well known complementary and alternative therapies in rehabilitation to successfully improve patient outcomes. It has been developed to accompany university courses in complementary and alternative therapies, as a reference manual for clinical practices, and as a resource for those interested in the science behind holistic therapies.
Holistic therapies are those therapies not commonly found in allopathic medicine that are intended to stimulate a therapeutic response from both the body - neuromusculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary systems - and the mind. This book is particularly designed for those health professionals who want to understand the scientific foundation and peer reviewed research supporting complementary and alternative therapies.
The fourth edition is divided into two parts. The beginning chapters describe the latest cellular biology science and explain the theories put forth on the overall mechanisms of action of the effect of these various therapies on the soft tissue, fascia and nervous systems. The first part also chronicles the advancement of scientific research in the various therapies since the 1980's to explain, in cellular physiology terms, the outcomes observed by using a number of holistic therapies.
The second part presents various therapies commonly integrated with allopathic therapies in rehabilitation - body work therapies, mind/body therapies, and energy work therapies. The text describes each therapy with a history, cellular mechanism of action, and an up-dated reference section of the evidence of efficacy for the therapy as reported in the literature, often concluding with a case example.
This fully-updated fourth edition will be the go-to resource for health professionals to understand the scientific evidence and efficacy of complementary and alternative therapies for rehabilitation and improving patient outcomes.
About the Editor
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Carolee Winstein, PhD, PT, FAPTA
Section I Introduction
Introduction to the Fourth Edition
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Chapter 1 Energy Techniques as a Way of Returning Healing to Health Care
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Section II The Science That Supports Complementary Therapies
Chapter 2 Psychoneuroimmunology: The Bridge to the Coexistence of Two Paradigms
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Chapter 3 Quantum Physics and Systems Theory: The Science Behind Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Chapter 4 Advances in the Science of Energy Medicine: Vibration, Photons, and the Zero Point Field
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Chapter 5 Fascia and the Extracellular Matrix: Latest Science Discoveries That Forecast the
Importance of This Tissue to Health and Healing
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA
Section III Body Work
Chapter 6 Myofascial Release: The Missing Link in Traditional Treatment
John F. Barnes, PT
Chapter 7 Therapeutic Massage and Rehabilitation
Janet Kahn, PhD, MT
Chapter 8 Craniosacral Therapy
Deborah A. Giaquinto-Wahl, MSPT
Chapter 9 Complete Decongestive Therapy
Barbara Funk, MS, OTR, CHT and Kevin R. Kunkel, PhD, MSPT, MLD-CDT
Chapter 10 The Ida Rolf Method of Structural Integration
Judith E. Deutsch, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Section IV Mind-Body Work
Chapter 11 T'ai Chi: Choreography of Body and Mind
Jennifer M. Bottomley, PhD, MS, PT
Chapter 12 Biofeedback: Connecting the Body and Mind
Jennifer M. Bottomley, PhD, MS, PT
Chapter 13 Yoga Therapeutics: An Ancient Practice in a Twenty-First Century Setting
Matthew J. Taylor, PT, PhD, RYT
Chapter 14 Feldenkrais Method in Rehabilitation: Using Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement to Explore New Movements and Solve Clinical Problems
James Stephens, PT, PhD, GCFP and Teresa M. Miller, PT, PhD, GCFP
Chapter 15 Pilates Rehabilitation
Brent Anderson, PhD, PT, OCS, PMA-CPT
Section V Energy Work
Chapter 16 Reiki: A Biofield Therapy
Sangeeta Singg, PhD, ACN
Chapter 17 Qi Gong for Health and Healing
Jennifer M. Bottomley, PhD, MS, PT
Chapter 18 Acupuncture Theory and Acupuncture-Like Therapeutics in Physical Therapy
Patrick J. LaRiccia, MD, MSCE; Kerri Sowers, PT, DPT, NCS; Lynn B. Littman, MA, MAc, LAc, DiplAc; and Mary Lou Galantino, PT, MS, PhD
Chapter 19 Dry Needling
Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, MPS, DAAPM
Chapter 20 Therapeutic Touch
Ellen Zambo Anderson, PT, MA, GCS
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2016
Pages: 375
Weight: 1074g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation