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Intensive Care
A Concise Textbook
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Main description:

Now in its third edition, 'Intensive Care: A Concise Textbook' continues to provide an excellent introductory text to the practice of critical care medicine.

Extensively revised, expanded and updated, the format of the new edition has been radically altered to make the text more readable and the information even more accessible. Comprehensive yet concise, the book provides a sound working knowledge of the discipline, is packed with information and is extensively referenced. Current evidence based guidelines for managing critically ill patients with complex pathophysiology and multisystem involvement are highlighted throughout.

The book is intended primarily for trainees in intensive care medicine and has been designed particularly to meet the requirements of those preparing for examinations in this specialty (specifically European, UK and Irish Diplomas of Intensive Care). It is aimed not only at those embarking on specialist training in intensive care but also at trainees in other acute specialities who are increasingly becoming involved in the management of critically ill patients, and who may be sitting other postgraduate exams that include intensive care and acute medicine in the syllabus (e.g. FRCA, MRCS, MRCP). The book will also serve as a valuable reference text for both trainees and qualified specialists.


Planning, Organization and Management; Outcome and costs; Applied Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology; Assessment and Monitoring of Cardiovascular Function; Shock, Sepsis and Multiple Organ Failure; Assessment and Monitoring of Respiratory Function ; Respiratory Support; Respiratory Failure; Myocardial Ischaemia, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Management of Arrhythmias; Trauma; General Aspects of Managing Critically Ill Patients; Infection in the Critically Ill; Acute Renal Failure; Acute Liver Failure; Neurological Disorders; Gastrointestinal Disorders; Endocrine Emergencies; Obstetric Intensive Care; Poisoning; Disturbances of Body Temperature; Transporting the Critically Ill; Appendix: Normal values.


ISBN-13: 9780702025969
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders Ltd.)
Publication date: August, 2008
Pages: 600
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Critical Care Medicine


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