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Main description:
There is no more important area of the body for an athlete than the core, the region of our body from our chest to our knees. The core is our engine, our hub of activity. Strength there makes life easier for shoulders and knees. It produces speed and explosiveness. Endurance and grit.
The core is so important. So why has it remained such a medical mystery?
This book will explain that.
Introducing the Core: Demystifying the Body of an Athlete traces the arc of the journey from injury to restoration of power to the return to normal life.
Dr. William Meyers is the nation's foremost authority on core health. Along with over 40 world-renowned expert contributors, Dr. Meyers explains how the core functions through stories from his work in locker rooms, the operating room, and the playing fields of elite athletes, giving readers a thorough understanding of the core's widespread influence on athleticism and the human anatomy.
The book:
Dissects the events that led Dr. Meyers and his team of experts to their new appreciation of this anatomy
Brings multiple world-renowned arthroscopists into the overall core picture, providing their perspectives on how the core works, with the pubic bone as "the sun" of the body's universe
Offers insight into the many causes of pelvic pain, demonstrating why the term "sports hernia," should be banished forever
Emphasizes the fact that a wide spectrum of professionals treat the core -- from traditional surgeons to alternative therapists
Brings it all together and proposes a new future, and perhaps a new medical specialty, that is the core
"Strength, power, and endurance all flow from the core. This book, and the work Bill Meyers has done in the field, will bring good core health to the forefront and help everyone-elite athletes and others."
-Michael William Krzyzewski
"Even in baseball, injury patterns in the shoulder and elbow are related to core imbalance. This book has been needed for a long time... Bill has helped the idea of core strength become more popular, and this book could be what is needed to get it more attention."
-James Rheuben Andrews, MD
"To understand the core, you must put on new eyes."
-Marshawn Lynch
Editors and Illustrator
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Michael William Krzyzewski
Foreword by James Rheuben Andrews, MD
Foreword by Bryan Talmadge Kelly, MD
Section One The Way We Were*
*from the romantic comedy starring Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford
Chapter 1 What's the Core? It Seems Kind of Important
Chapter 2 New Eyes-Medicine's Inability to See the Core
Chapter 3 The Eureka Moment for the Core
Chapter 4 The Difficulty Abandoning Old Eyes-"Unseeing"
Section Two New Universe*
from the book imprint for Marvel Comics
Chapter 5 Presenting...the Core!
Chapter 6 Some Concepts to Keep in Mind
Chapter 7 The Pubic Bone
Chapter 8 The "Harness"
Chapter 9 The Rectus Abdominis-Our "Cinderella Muscle"
Chapter 10 The Adductors-Demystifying Them
Chapter 11 The Rectus Femoris-The "Rodney Dangerfield Muscle"
Chapter 12 The Iliopsoas-aka the Psoas-aka the "Eminem Muscle"
Chapter 13 The Glutes-The "New Beauty Muscles"
Chapter 14 The Other Muscles-Hip and Core Stability
Atlas Stargazing-Seeing the Constellation of Core Diagnoses
Chapter 15 So, You Want to Become a Doctor? Part One-Diagnostic Ambushes
Chapter 16 Fifteen Core Principles
Chapter 17 So, You Want to Become a Doctor? Part Two-History, Physical Examination, Imaging, and Other Tests
Chapter 18 Nerves in the Core-A "Fifth Dimension"
Enrique Aradillas, MD
Chapter 19 The Universe of Diagnoses
Chapter 20 How the Core Universe Forms
Chapter 21 Optimizing and Fixing the Core Muscles
Section Three Hip Hop Movement*
*from the subculture that formed in the early 1970s in the South Bronx
Chapter 22 The Hip-How Far We Have Come!
J. W. Thomas Byrd, MD
Chapter 23 Private Eyes on the Hip-Sometimes a Culprit in Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Floor Disorders
Struan H. Coleman, MD, PhD
Chapter 24 Traps in Hip Arthroscopy
John P. Salvo Jr, MD and Kevin O'Donnell, MD
Chapter 25 Special Considerations in Adolescents
Fares S. Haddad, MD (Res), FRCS (Orth), Dip Sports Med, FFSEM; Feras Ya'ish, FRCS (Orth), MBBS; and Konstantinos Tsitskaris, MSc, MRCS, FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Chapter 26 Hip Arthroscopy-Frontiers and Limitations
Anil S. Ranawat, MD; Brian J. Rebolledo, MD; and Jacqueline M. Brady, MD
Chapter 27 Complex Core-Hip Considerations in the Athlete- From "Lighting the Lamp" to "Getting Your Face Washed"
Marc J. Philippon, MD; William R. Mook, MD; and Karen K. Briggs, MPH
Chapter 28 Biomechanics
(A) Tilt and Version
Eric J. Kropf, MD; Struan H. Coleman, MD, PhD; and Alexander E. Poor, MD
(B) Altered Hip Biomechanics and the Muscles
Marc R. Safran, MD and Joshua Sampson, MD
Chapter 29 What Lies Behind the Hip-The Deep DerriEre
Hal David Martin, DO
Section Four Shared Responsibility*
*from both Democratic and Republican Presidential platforms
Chapter 30 Fixing Everything-Putting the Core Universe Into Perspective
Chapter 31 Managing the Ruptured Proximal Hamstring
Christopher C. Dodson, MD and Daniel P. Woods, MD
Chapter 32 Rehabilitation and Performance-From Snake Oil Salespeople to Well-Oiled Machines
Alexander E. Poor, MD; Jim McCrossin, MS, ATC, CSCS, PES, CES, CKTP; and Alex McKechnie, PT, MCSP
Chapter 33 The Final Stage of Rehab-Getting All the Way Back
Andrew Small, PT, CSCS, RSCC*D, MPhtySt, BSc (HMS-ExSci)
Chapter 34 Don't Forget the Thorax
Tracey Vincel, PT, MPhty, CBBA and Andrew Barr, DPT, MSc Spt Sci, BSc (Hons) Physio, CSCS
Chapter 35 The Yin and Yang of Yoga
Biz Magarity, MBA, C-IAYT, 500 E-RYT
Chapter 36 Perspectives of Nonoperative Sports Medicine Physicians
(A) Nonoperative Interventions for the Management of "Hip" Pain
Eugene Hong, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP and Sarah C. Hoffman, DO, FAAP, CAQSM
(B) We Need More Studies
David Stone, MD
Chapter 37 An Osteopath's View of the Core Universe-Manipulative Therapies-A Functional Approach
Jason Hartman, DO; Philip J. Koehler III, DO, MS; and Veronica Williams, DO, Illustrator
Chapter 38 A Chiropractor's Perspective-The Knee Bone's Connected to the Thigh Bone
Marc Legere, DC, BS, BA
Section Five Life Is a Journey*
*from "Life is a journey and not a destination," attributed to Transcendentalist poet Ralph Waldo Emerson and revisited by AM O'Shea, a very smart CEO
Chapter 39 Putting It All Together-A Patient's Perspective on the Core
Esra Roan, PhD
Chapter 40 Final Chapter-Seeing Things a Whole New Way
Quiz Answers
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: March, 2019
Pages: 450
Weight: 1588g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Orthopaedics and Fractures, Sports Medicine