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Main description:
In sequential analysis, the sample size is not fixed in advance. Instead, data are evaluated as they are collected, and further sampling is stopped in accordance with a pre-defined stopping rule as soon as significant results are observed. Although there are already good texts on the relevant theory and methodology of sequential analysis, this book is unique in its examples and R and SAS programs. Medical statisticians involved in planning and conducting clinical trials will find this book very useful.
Introduction. Group sequential methods and computational algorithms. Classical group sequential tests. Sequential likelihood/probability ratio tests. The power family group sequential tests. Triangular tests. Error spending methods. The Markov model. Unified family approach. Repeated confidence intervals (RCI) and prediction intervals (PI). Repeated confidence bands. Stochastic curtailment. Bayesian methods. Optimal group sequential designs. Futility monitoring methods. Special designs for survival data. Analysis following sequential tests. Special group sequential designs.
Publisher: Elsevier (Apple Academic Press Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2030
Pages: 400
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Epidemiology