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Introduction to Health Psychology
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Main description:

An Introduction to Health Psychology, Third edition gives you a comprehensive and lively introduction to this interesting field. Retaining the highly praised approach of the first and second editions, each chapter outlines and describes the theory and research before moving on to explore applications and intervention practice. The primary goals of health psychologists are to describe, predict and intervene, and this process is reflected in the book. Useful features are included to support your learning, such as research focus boxes, applications boxes and engaging case studies. Bringing together core topics and current debates, An Introduction to Health Psychology, Third edition is ideal for students on health psychology modules, and for those studying in related fields such as health and social care or nursing.


PART I: BEING AND STAYING HEALTHY Chapter 1 What is health? Chapter 2 Health inequalities Chapter 3 Health-risk behaviour Chapter 4 Health-protective behaviour Chapter 5 Explaining health behaviour Chapter 6 Reducing risk of disease individual approaches Chapter 7 Population approaches to public health PART II: BECOMING ILL Chapter 8 The body in health and illness Chapter 9 Symptom perception, interpretation and response Chapter 10 The consultation and beyond Chapter 11 Stress, health and illness: theory Chapter 12 Stress and illness moderators Chapter 13 Managing stress PART III: BEING ILL Chapter 14 The impact of illness on quality of life Chapter 15 The impact of illness on patients and their families Chapter 16 Pain Chapter 17 Improving health and quality of life PART IV: FUTURES Chapter 18 Futures


ISBN-13: 9780273735199
Publisher: Pearson (Prentice-Hall)
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 640
Dimensions: 195.00 x 264.00 x 28.00
Weight: 1160g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Public Health
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