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Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States
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Main description:

Newly revised and significantly updated, Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States, 13th Edition continues to be a highly acclaimed and trusted resource covering all aspects of health care in the United States. This comprehensive textbook contains information on a wide array of topics, including the organization of care, population health, the fundamental challenges of health disparities, health care financing and economics, and health information technology's role in improving care and protecting privacy. New chapters on public health preparedness and its role in mitigating effects on health and the health system, and the medical and social challenges of caring for older adults provide insight into important, ongoing challenges and what those challenges reflect about our system of care.

With an increased emphasis on health disparities, population health, and health equity, this textbook includes a timely focus on how social and behavioral determinants influence health outcomes. Students will gain a deeper understanding of public health systems and their societal role, and of the economic perspectives that drive health care managers and the system. Thorough coverage of the rapid changes that are reshaping our system, in addition to an evaluation of our nation's achievement of health care value, will equip students with the critical knowledge they need to enter this dynamic and complex field. The book also includes cutting-edge, evidence-based information on preventive medicine, innovative approaches to control health care costs, initiatives to achieve high quality and value-based care, and much more from prominent scholars, practitioners, and educators within health care management, public health, population health, health policy, medical care, and nursing.

Key Features:

New chapters on Public Health Preparedness and Caring for Older Adults
Expanded coverage on health disparities and health equity, public health systems and their societal role, and the economic perspectives driving health care managers and the system
Careers in Focus sections provide perspectives from a range of career paths in the health sector and how they contribute to the health care workforce
Case Exercises and Discussion Questions have been expanded for all chapters
Accompanying Audio Podcasts with subject matter experts in health care management, public health, nursing, and more
eBook access to the entire text including supplemental e-Chapters on A Visual Overview of Health Care Delivery in the United States and ACA Updates
Instructor's Package for qualified educators with access to an Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, PPTs, Image Bank, Transition Guide, Sample Syllabi, and Additional Case Exercises


List of Features
List of Podcasts
Foreword by Anthony R. Kovner, PhD
Organization of This Book
Section I: Health Policy 1. The Challenge of Health Care Delivery and Health Policy

Brian Elbel, James R. Knickman
2. Organization of Care
Amy Yarbrough Landry, Cathleen O. Erwin
3. Policy and the Politics of Health Care: Policy Choices in a Divided Political Environment
Rogan Kersh, James Morone
Section II: Keeping Americans Healthy
4. Population Health
Sheri Johnson, Marjory Givens, Marc Gourevitch 5. Public Health Systems and Their Role in Society

Laura C. Leviton, Ucheoma C. Nwaozuru, Scott D. Rhodes
6. Health and Behavior
Azizi Seixas, Leo Landron, Brian Elbel
7. COVID, Pandemic Preparedness, and What it Reflects About Our System of Health and Health Care
Eric Gebbie, Kristine Qureshi
8. Caring for Older Adults: Financial, Community, and Health System Challenges
Ramsey Alwin, Kathleen Cameron, James R. Knickman 9. Addressing Vulnerability Through the Pursuit of Health Equity

Lourdes J. Rodriguez, Jewel Mullen
Section III: Medical Care: Treating Americans' Medical Problems
10. Healthcare Financing, Costs, and Value
James R. Knickman, John Marchica, David C. Radley
11. Quality of Care: What Is It and How Do We Achieve It
Carolyn M. Clancy, Irene Fraser, Kristi Groves, Pamela L. Owens
12. Health Care Management
Zachary Pruitt 13. Technology, Health and Health Care: Data, Devices and Other Technology that Transform Care

Austin P. Walsh, Sean Hamill, Ian Morrison
Section IV: Future of U.S. Health Care
14. Future of Health and the Health Care System
James R. Knickman, Brian Elbel
Appendix: U.S. Government Public Health Agencies


ISBN-13: 9780826173034
Publisher: Springer (Springer Publishing Co Inc)
Publication date: March, 2023
Pages: 600
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice


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