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Main description:
The Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Research, Education and Policy is an open access journal published by Winston-Salem State University with support from the National Association of Medical Minority Educators. Visit www.uncpress.org for open access links and more information. Articles in Volume 14, Number 1 (Spring 2021) are:
* Diversifying Healthcare Fields by Enhancing Pipeline Initiatives
* Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Education on Team Member Engagement
* Open Space Technology: A Novel Strategy to Build an Inclusive Environment and Attract a More Diverse Workforce
* Advancing Culturally Competent Healthcare Delivery through Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
* The Development and Pilot Testing of an Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Disease Risk-Prevention Program to Promote Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Among African-American College Students - Rams Have HEART
* Exploring the Inclusion of Cultural Competence, Cultural Humility, and Diversity Concepts as Learning Objectives or Outcomes in Healthcare Curricula
* COVID-19 Challenges: Lessons Learned in an HBCU Nursing Education Program
Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Publication date: March, 2022
Pages: 106
Weight: 333g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice