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Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant
Essential Components of Function and Movement
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Main description:

Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant: Essential Components of Function and Movement, Second Edition approaches the study of kinesiology by connecting function to the underlying components that make movement possible. Jeremy Keough, Susan Sain, and Carolyn Roller present a text that makes learning and retaining information easier for students through application.

A top-down approach, based on the AOTA's Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, Third Edition is used to allow the student to see the big picture and then guides them to understand what fundamental kinesiological functions may be causing limitations or decreased engagement in daily activities.

Benefits and Features:

New chapters on kinesiology and therapeutic exercise, as well as functional mobility in the home and community
Upper extremity information is divided into four chapters for enhanced learning; information presented addresses function across the lifespan
Occupational profiles describing actual client conditions at the beginning of several chapters
Occupation/real-life based activities and questions at the end of each chapter
Emphasis on function and identification of how and why movement occurs
Multiple tables and figures to enhance learning
Call out boxes that highlight and clarify key concepts
A seamless integration of theory, fact, and practice
Selected standardized tests, pinch and grip strength, and range of motion norms
Glossary of terms and expanded Web resources
Instructors materials include PowerPoint presentations, student study guides, and a test bank

You will receive access to Goniometry and Manual Muscle Testing interactive learning tutorials FREE for 120 days with your new text purchase of Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant, Second Edition. Watch the videos, read the text, listen to the experts explain the techniques-all at your own pace.

Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant: Essential Components of Function and Movement, Second Edition provides students with thorough explanations and learning activities that will put kinesiology into context. Students will also gain insight into the practice of occupational therapy through directed questions and problem solving to assist the client in achieving movement goals.



About the Authors

Contributing Authors


Unique Features of This Kinesiology Text

Chapter 1 Kinesiology: A Foundation in Occupational Therapy

Jeremy L. Keough, MSOT, OTR/L, FAOTA and Susan J. Sain, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA

Chapter 2 Human Body Functions and Structures Influencing Movement

Susan J. Sain, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA

Chapter 3 Factors Influencing Movement

Susan J. Sain, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA

Chapter 4 Introducing Body Movement

Jeremy L. Keough, MSOT, OTR/L, FAOTA

Chapter 5 Function and Movement of the Trunk and Neck

Maribeth P. Vowell, PT, MPH, EdD

Chapter 6 The Essential Functions of the Lower Extremity

Maribeth P. Vowell, PT, MPH, EdD

Chapter 7 Function and Movement of the Shoulder and Scapula

Carolyn L. Roller, OTR/L

Chapter 8 Function and Movement of the Elbow Complex

Carolyn L. Roller, OTR/L

Chapter 9 Function and Movement of the Wrist and Extrinsic Hand

Carolyn L. Roller, OTR/L

Chapter 10 Function and Movement of the Intrinsic Hand

Carolyn L. Roller, OTR/L

Chapter 11 Kinesiology and Therapeutic Exercise

Matthew J. Sabin, PhD, ATC, LAT

Chapter 12 Functional Mobility in the Home and Community

Dana M. Howell, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA


Appendix A: Web Resources

Appendix B: Available Range of Motion Norms

Appendix C: Epilogue of Occupational Profiles

Appendix D: Grip/Pinch and Testing Norms

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ISBN-13: 9781630912741
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2017
Pages: 425
Weight: 920g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy


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