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Main description:
For over 35 years, Kline's Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual has presented a unique and user-friendly approach to address clinical neuro-ophthalmology principles used in everyday practice. This Eighth Edition continues that tradition, providing a timely update, while also maintaining the same user-friendly and concise format.
Dr. Rod Foroozan and Dr. Michael Vaphiades have taken the mantle of updating this respected manual from Dr. Lanning Kline and continue his tradition of a simple summary of the most important clinical aspects of neuro-ophthalmology with schematic illustrations and material relevant to everyday practice. They are joined by their contributing authors, all seasoned neuro-ophthalmologists, and have organized the book to provide the essential key information on neuro-ophthalmic disorders.
The Eighth Edition provides a comprehensive update to the latest information, adds many new effective exercises for case study, and is a complete update on neuro-ophthalmic conditions, including results of recent clinical trials and emerging literature. Also new is the inclusion of a table of neuro-ophthalmic emergencies which serves as a quick guide so that these potentially life-threatening and blinding conditions can be accessed easily.
Chapters include:
Nystagmus and Related Ocular Oscillations
Myasthenia and Ocular Myopathies
Nonorganic Visual Disorders
Disorders of Higher Visual Function
Kline's Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, Eighth Edition has all the fundamentals presented logically for all practitioners and residents in ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery. A popular choice among colleagues for more than 35 years, this a must-have resource in neuro-ophthalmology.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Preface by Lanning B. Kline, MD
Chapter 1 Visual Fields
Rod Foroozan, MD and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 2 Supranuclear and Internuclear Gaze Pathways
Mark F. Walker, MD
Chapter 3 Nystagmus and Related Ocular Oscillations
Mark F. Walker, MD
Chapter 4 The Six Syndromes of the VI Nerve (Abducens)
Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 5 The Seven Syndromes of the III Nerve (Oculomotor)
Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 6 The Five Syndromes of the IV Nerve (Trochlear)
Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 7 Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 8 The Pupil
Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 9 The Swollen Optic Disc
Rod Foroozan, MD
Chapter 10 The Pale Optic Disc: Optic Atrophy
Rod Foroozan, MD and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 11 Myasthenia and Ocular Myopathies
Rod Foroozan, MD
Chapter 12 V Nerve (Trigeminal) Syndromes
Rod Foroozan, MD and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 13 The Seven Syndromes of the VII Nerve (Facial)
Rod Foroozan, MD and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 14 Eyelid Disorders
Jennifer T. Scruggs, MD and Saunders L. Hupp, MD
Chapter 15 Headache
John E. Carter, MD; Rod Foroozan, MD; and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 16 Carotid Artery Disease and the Eye
Rod Foroozan, MD and Milton F. White Jr, MD
Chapter 17 Nonorganic Visual Disorders
Richard H. Fish, MD, FACS; Rod Foroozan, MD; and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 18 Disorders of Higher Visual Function
Jason J. S. Barton, MD, PhD, FRCPC; Christopher A. Girkin, MD, MSPH, FACS; and Michael S. Vaphiades, DO
Chapter 19 The Phakomatoses: Neurocutaneous Disorders
Angela R. Lewis, MD and Rod Foroozan, MD
Chapter 20 Neuroimaging
Rod Foroozan, MD
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: September, 2017
Pages: 300
Weight: 567g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry