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Main description:
Learning the Language of Addiction Counseling, Fifth Edition introduces mental health professionals and students to the field of addiction counseling and helps them acquire the knowledge and develop the skills needed to counsel individuals who are caught in the destructive cycle of addiction.
Drawing from her years of experience in working in the addiction counseling field as a counselor, trainer and educator, Geri Miller provides an engaging, balanced overview of the major theoretical foundations and clinical best practices in the field.
Fully updated, the fifth edition offers a compassionate accountability, practice-oriented counseling framework and features:
A research-based clinical application approach to addiction counseling that practitioners can turn to for fundamental, practical, clinical guidelines.
Revised chapters that reflect important changes in research and practice, including new assessment instruments and new and expanded treatments.
Additional case studies, interactive exercises, key points and other resources that facilitate the integration of knowledge into practice.
A new chapter of "Supervision and Mentoring".
Revised "Personal Reflections" section at the beginning of each chapter that provide an invaluable, unique perspective on the author's view of addiction counseling.
Updated and expanded Instructor Resources that include brief video clips, PowerPoint slides, test bank questions for each chapter, and sample syllabi.
From assessment and diagnosis of addiction to preparing for certification and licensure as an addiction counseling professional, this comprehensive book covers essential components required to work as a professional in the field of addiction counseling.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Personal Reflections 1
Addiction Counseling Influences 6
Models of Addiction 17
Appendix 1A: Language of Recovery 25
Appendix 1B: Summary of Peer Recovery Movement (June 2019) 27
Appendix 1C: SAMHSA-NAADAC Addiction Professional Education & Career Ladder 29
Chapter 2 Theories of Counseling Applied To Addiction Treatment 31
Personal Reflections 31
Development of a Theoretical Framework for Addiction Counseling 32
Dangers in Developing a Theoretical Framework and Recommendations 34
General Counseling Theories Applied to Addiction Treatment 38
Chapter 3 Assessment and Diagnosis of Addiction 49
Personal Reflections 49
Stages of Change 50
DWI/DUI/OWI/OUI Assessments 51
Assessment 51
Interviews 53
Behavioral Observations 61
Physiological Instruments 62
Psychometric Instruments 62
Diagnosis 77
Chapter 4 Co-Occurring Disorders and Behavioral Addictions 82
Personal Reflections 82
Co-Occurring Disorders 83
Collaboration Between the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Fields 85
Assessment 87
Treatment 90
Behavioral Addictions 104
Chapter 5 The Core Treatment Process of Addictions 113
Personal Reflections 113
Integrated Care 114
The Experience of the Addict as It Relates to Treatment 115
Crisis Intervention 115
Individual Therapy 122
Group Therapy 131
Family Therapy 144
Chapter 6 Treatment-Related Issues and Counseling Approaches 154
Personal Reflections 154
Sexual Issues 156
Intimate Partner Violence 173
Homelessness 184
Specific Counseling Approaches 188
Chapter 7 Relapse Prevention 202
Personal Reflections 202
Counselor Approaches 203
Relapse-Prevention Models 208
Counseling Techniques 216
Influencing Factors 224
Case Studies of Special Populations 225
Co-Occurring Disorders 228
Chapter 8 Self-Help Groups 231
Personal Reflections 231
Suggestions for Counselors 233
12-step Groups 235
12-step Alternative Groups 244
Matching Self-help Groups to Meet Client Needs 251
Special Issues 258
Appendix 8A: Stories of Recovery 265
Chapter 9 Elaboration On Specific Therapies and Techniques Relevant To Addiction Counseling 267
Personal Reflections 267
Client Resilience 268
Positive Psychology 271
Stages of Change Model 275
Overview of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) 280
Motivational Interviewing 282
Brief Therapy 289
Behavioral/Cognitive-Behavioral 296
Chapter 10 Culturally Sensitive Addiction Counseling 302
Personal Reflections 302
Defining Multicultural 305
Social-Environmental Aspects 306
Breakdown of Communication 310
Multicultural Competence/Multicultural Orientation 310
Dialogue 313
General Counseling Suggestions 316
Assessment, Treatment, and Aftercare Issues 316
Overall Substance Use/Abuse Exploration Multicultural Exercises 377
Chapter 11 Chronic Pain Assessment and Treatment 381
Personal Reflections 381
Definition of Pain 386
Issues of Living Sober with Chronic Pain 387
Assessment and Treatment 389
Appendix 11A: Opiate Addiction & Pain Management: Overview of Counseling Approaches 409
Chapter 12 Incorporating Spirituality Into Addiction Counseling 411
Personal Reflections 411
The History of Incorporating Spirituality into Addiction Counseling 412
Incorporation Barriers and Bridges 414
Spiritual Identity Development 419
Spiritual Identity Development with Addicted Clients 420
Counseling Resources and Techniques 421
Appendix 12A: Emotional Sobriety 430
Chapter 13 Personal and Professional Development of The Counselor 437
Personal Reflections 437
Ethical Issues 441
Testifying in Court 451
Working in Difficult Systems 456
Working with Addicts 463
Self-Care 469
Appendix 13A: Suggestions for Dealing with Stress 482
Chapter 14 Obtaining Addiction Professional Credentials 483
Personal Reflections 483
Self-Care on the Journey 485
Credentialing 488
Chapter 15 Supervision and Mentoring 494
Personal Reflections 494
Supervision 494
A Definition 496
Choosing a Supervisor 497
Notes to the Supervisee 499
Notes to the Supervisor 499
Specific Diversity Concerns 501
Ethical Concerns 502
Mentoring 505
A Definition 506
Choosing a Mentor/Mentee 506
Appendix 15A: North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board (NCSAPPB) Supervisor Credential Requirements 511
Clinical Supervision Contract: LCAS 515
Sample Supervision Documentation 518
Ethics Decisional Model 519
References 521
Name Index 585
Subject Index 609
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: April, 2021
Pages: 600
Weight: 1108g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice
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