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Main description:
Leverage helps women who know that their binge eating must come to an end put a plan in motion to end it once and for all.
Leverage dives into the frustration and complication that binge eating can create in daily life. Linda Vang outlines the tools and daily routines that are essential to breaking the habit of binge eating. Most importantly, she teaches women how to make an impact in the way they think, the choices they make, and the success that will follow. In Leverage, women learn:
How to get themselves out of the endless cycle of binge eating
How to stop giving into temptations and cravings
How to get to a place where they don't have to feel guilty for eating after every meal
Why binge eating can constantly cause them to feel worn out and drained out
Why they can't seem to stay motivated and focused
Why God doesn't seem to hear them when willpower just isn't enough
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Publication date: January, 2021
Pages: 182
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Nutrition