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Main description:
Life 2.0 is a divinely inspired account of Kevin Kirksey's physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation from unknowingly being near sudden death to living a life he never imagined possible-Life 2.0.
One day, while leaving a routine doctor's appointment, Kevin asks his doctor a simple question, one that would later prove to be the save, extend, and profoundly change his life-a question he believes is divinely inspired. Life 2.0 follows Kevin's journey through open-heart surgery and recovery. But, more than that, this is the story of the impact the little things can have when people open their hearts.
As Kevin journeys through recovery and rehabilitation, he starts to notice the selfless little things others do-and develops a new perspective on life. Coupled with encounters with Angels, Kevin's new life is molded into a life of profound physical, emotional, and spiritual change, and he decided to call it Life 2.0. An inspiration for healthcare providers, patients, and their families, Life 2.0 demonstrates how the little things can profoundly impact the lives of others and how anyone, if they so choose, can live their own Life 2.0.
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Publication date: January, 2021
Pages: 238
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine