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Main description:
For both surgeon and patient alike, the success of modern implant surgery is increasingly judged by the refractive and astigmatic outcome. In spite of this, there has not yet been a practical book that addresses the process of performing limbal relaxing incisions (LRIs). Dr. Louis D. "Skip" Nichamin and his contributors aim to fill this void with Limbal Relaxing Incisions: A Practical Guide.
Limbal Relaxing Incisions serves as a guide for novice refractive implant surgeons looking to incorporate incisional astigmatism surgery into their repertoire. It also contains practical pearls that the more experienced practitioner can use to refine astigmatic refractive outcomes following lens-based surgery.
Limbal Relaxing Incisions covers a wide range of information from the history, background, and future of astigmatism management, to important subjects such as measuring cylinder and strategic planning for the surgical correction of astigmatism. Dr. Nichamin and his contributors detail their personal approaches to the use of LRIs, each presenting a slightly different technique and providing simple clinical pearls for both the novice and experienced practitioner. In addition, the book offers a discussion on astigmatic enhancement surgery, potential complications, and insight into the emerging field of Femto-Second Laser technology to further refine and automate astigmatism correction.
Residents in ophthalmology, comprehensive ophthalmologists, refractive cataract surgeons, and keratorefractive surgeons taking up lens-based refractive surgery will appreciate the "this is how I do it" approach in Limbal Relaxing Incisions: A Practical Guide, as well as the emphasis on clinical pearls, written by some of the most experienced refractive cataract surgeons in the field.
About the Editor
About the Associate Editor
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 History, Background, and Future of Incisional Astigmatic Surgery
Section 1 The Foundation and Future of Astigmatic Keratotomy
Spencer P. Thornton, MD, FACS
Section 2 Limbal Relaxing Incisions: History, Current State of the Art, and Future
Richard L. Lindstrom, MD; Molly McDonald, OD; and David R. Hardten, MD
Chapter 2 Measuring Astigmatism: Planning Surgery and Tracking Results
Noel A. Alpins, MD, FACS and George Stamatelatos, OD
Chapter 3 Overview for the Use of Limbal Relaxing Incisions
Louis D. "Skip" Nichamin, MD
Chapter 4 This Is How I Do It
Section 1 Limbal Relaxing Incisions to Correct Astigmatism
James P. Gills, MD and Pit Gills, MD
Section 2 How I Perform Limbal Relaxing Incisions
Richard S. Hoffman, MD
Section 3 Astigmatism Correction With Peripheral Corneal Relaxing Incision
Douglas D. Koch, MD and Christian C. Hester, MD
Section 4 My Approach to Limbal Relaxing Incisions
Randall J. Olson, MD
Section 5 My Guide to Peripheral Corneal Relaxing Incisions
Jonathan B. Rubenstein, MD
Section 6 Astigmatism in Three Dimensions
R. Bruce Wallace III, MD
Chapter 5 Enhancement of Patients With Prior Limbal Relaxing Incisions
David R. Hardten, MD and Molly McDonald, OD
Chapter 6 Limbal Relaxing Incision Complications
Parag D. Parekh, MD, MPA
Chapter 7 Femtosecond Laser Limbal Relaxing Incisions
Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD; Allon Barsam, MD, MA, FRCOphth; and An Vo, MD
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: March, 2014
Pages: 144
Dimensions: 178.00 x 254.00 x 6.00
Weight: 816g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry