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Main description:
Between a third and half of all patients seeking help from the medical profession are suffering from medically unexplained symptoms, and we are facing an epidemic of complex chronic conditions that have no easily discernible pathology or cause.Pressure for a model of 'whole-person' health care has been growing over the past 25 years, but, no practical, cost-effective, integrative model has been suggested, until now.Medical NLP - developed out of the work of Dr Richard Bandler and the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - offers for the first time a practical methodology and explicit interventions to help tackle this debilitating array of problems. Supported by new research and extensive clinical experience, "Medical NLP" offers the only internationally recognised and licensed health practitioner training that seamlessly integrates psychosocial therapeutic approaches with the existing biomechanical principles and time constraints of the consultation process.Written in an accessible style for doctors, nurses, therapists and all other allied health professionals, this is a book about solutions, rather than problems.
Featuring real-life case studies it shows how Medical NLP can be used to achieve more positive outcomes for both patients and the professionals from whom they seek help.Uniquely, an interactive website has been set up to answer questions, host discussions and provide support for readers who wish to explore further the practical application of the skill sets provided in the book.
1. Medical NLP - a solution-oriented approach; 2. Allostatic Load - the hidden factor in all illness; 3. Safety First - avoiding the dark side of empathy; 4. Words that Harm, Words that Heal - communicating for health; 5. Structure, Process and Change - the building blocks of experience; 6. A Thinker's Toolbox - a way through complexity; 7. The Importance of First Impressions; 8. The Patient's Uninterrupted Story - information vs. 'facts'; 9. The Clinical Questioning Matrix - getting what we ask for; 10. Accessing and Utilising the Patient's Resources; 11. The Symptom as Solution - when the body speaks; 12. A Journey through the Patient's World; 13. Directions, Goals and Outcomes; 14. Time-lines and their Effect on Health; 15. Spontaneous Hypnosis - what all practitioners need to know; 16. Algorithms for Change; 17. Practical Approaches to Complex Chronic Conditions; 18. Into the Future - increasing self-efficacy and adherence; 19. Bringing it Together - the three-part Medical NLP consultation model.
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Publication date: January, 2008
Pages: 208
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice