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Managing Markets for Health
Improving Access to Essential Health Services Through Engagement of the Private Sector
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Main description:

Managing Markets for Health: Improving Access to Essential Health Services Through Engagement of the Private Sector provides practical guidance on how to actualize public-private engagement, taking a market systems approach to health. Developed and refined through the capacity-building programs conducted over many years, the book is designed to help practitioners meet their health system goals in ways that emphasize function, not form, recognize the reality of pluralism in the health system, focus on incentives and capacities that shape behavior in markets for health products and services, and frame engagement activities in a clear, transparent, logical framework rooted in local concerns and priorities.

Rooted in effective market system strategies, the state of the art in market analysis, step-by-step and case-based learning, this book provides readers with an indispensable tool, helping them respond to public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuild their health systems in its aftermath, and re-invigorate momentum behind health-related Sustainable Development Goals to which the vast majority of countries are legally committed.


1. Introduction
2. Diagnose: Outlining and illustrating the tools needed to analyse the symptoms, and proximate and root causes, of local-prioritised health system challenges
3. Design: Outlining and illustrating the tools needed to envision a 'vision of the future' in which market systems will be re-shaped to deliver on local health goals
4. Deliver: Outlining and illustrating the tools needed to create appropriate governance styles through which market systems actions can be effectively delivered
5. Detect: Outlining and illustrating the tools needed to effectively measure outcomes, and to learn, adapt and 'course-correct' in light of what we find
6. Conclusion
Appendix 1: The scale and scope of private sector health service provision in LMICs
Appendix 2: Data, methods and additional guidance for market systems research
Appendix 3: Sources of further information on applying market systems analysis


ISBN-13: 9780323912563
Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press Inc)
Publication date: February, 2024
Pages: 250
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Public Health


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