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Main description:
Written in a concise, practical, outline manner, Manual of Contact Lens Prescribing and Fitting, 3rd Edition follows the logical progression of patient care, from basic prefitting topics, through rigid lens, soft lenses and advanced/specialty issues. Valuable management information assists in fitting and problem-solving situations, and clinical pearls in every chapter highlight key points. The companion CD-ROM uses video, animation, and morphing to demonstrate the skills of movement and position that are necessary to correctly fit rigid contact lenses.
Part I. Basic Concepts
1. Anatomy and Physiology
2. Anterior Segment Disease and Contact Lenses
3. Examination and Instrumentation
4. Patient Selection new
5. CL optics new
Part II. Gas-Permeable lenses
6. Gas-Permeable Lens Design and Fitting
7. Gas-Permeable Lens Fitting and Eyelid Geometry
8. Gas-Permeable Lens Fluorescein Patterns
9. Gas-Permeable Lens Materials
10. Modification and Verification
11. Gas-Permeable Lenses for Astigmatism
12. Gas-Permeable Lens Care and Patient Education
13. Gas-Permeable Cases
Part III. Soft Lenses
14. Soft Lens Design, Fitting, and Physiologic Response
15. Soft Lens Materials
16. Soft Contact lenses and the Tear film
17. Soft Contact Lenses for Astigmatism
18. Soft Contact Lens Care and Patient Education
Part IV. Extended wear
19. Gas-Permeable Extended Wear and Complications
20. Soft Extended Wear and Complications
Part V. Special Topics
21. Dry Eyes and Contact Lenses
22. Monovision and Bifocals
23. Translating Bifocals
24. Keratoconus
25. Post-Penetrating Keratoplasty
26. Aphakia
27. Refractive Surgery and Contact Lenses
28. Pediatric Contact Lenses
29. Orthokeratology
30. Colored lenses
31. Scleral lenses
Appendix A: Extended Keratometer Range with +1.25 D and -1.00 D Lenses
Appendix B: Vertex Conversion Table of Plus and Minus Powers
Appendix C: Keratometer Conversion (Diopter to Millimeters)
Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
Publication date: February, 2006
Pages: 768
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry