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Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Second Edition presents essential information on common emergencies in small animals using a concise, practical outline format. Offering a thorough update to this classic reference, the new edition provides new chapters on orthopedic injuries and wound management, significant revisions to the treatment protocols, and expanded toxicology information, as well as new references and drug information. The book retains its logical division into two parts, the first covering initial stabilization and the second offering a systems approach to specific conditions. As in the previous edition, chapters are extensively indexed and cross-referenced to facilitate ease of use in emergency situations. With many formulas, tables, drug dosages, and illustrations, Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is an indispensable, convenient resource for busy emergency clinicians, whether they are new graduates or seasoned professionals.
CONTRIBUTORS, x PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, xi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, xii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, xiii PART I LIFE SUPPORT AND INITIAL STABILIZATION, MONITORING, AND INTENSIVE CARE OF THE CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT 1 1 APPROACH TO THE EMERGENCY PATIENT, 3 Steve C. Haskins and Douglass K. Macintire Initial Preparation and Management, 3 The Primary Survey: Initial Examination to Identify Life-Threatening Problems, 4 Brief History, 12 Thorough Secondary Survey, 12 2 EMERGENCY ROOM READINESS, 17 Steve C. Haskins and Douglass K. Macintire Being Prepared, 17 Equipment Recommendations, 17 Recommended Supplies, 18 Recommended Drugs, 19 3 CARDIOPULMONARY-CEREBRAL RESUSCITATION (CPCR), 21 Steve C. Haskins Causes, 21 Clinical Signs, 21 The Nature of Cell Injury During Cardiac Arrest, 21 Prognosis/General Recommendations, 22 Treatment, 22 Electrical Activity of the Heart, 27 Postresuscitative Care, 28 4 SHOCK, 30 Steve C. Haskins Definition, 30 Categories of Shock, 30 Systemic Inflammatory Response, 30 Multiple Organ Dysfunction, 31 Monitoring and Identifying Treatment Opportunities, 31 Treatment of Shock with Special Emphasis on Septic Shock and MODS, 31 Treatment of Anaphylactic Shock, 40 5 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 41 Steve C. Haskins Overview of Anesthesia in Critically Ill Patients, 41 Guidelines for Anesthesia in Critically Ill Patients, 42 Specific Drugs Used for Anesthesia in Critical Patients, 44 Anesthesia Concerns and Protocols for Common Conditions, 54 Overview of Analgesia, 57 Analgesia Drugs and Techniques, 58 6 FLUID THERAPY, 63 Steve C. Haskins and Douglass K. Macintire Body Fluid Compartments, 63 Crystalloid Solutions, 65 Colloid Solutions, 69 Specific Conditions Requiring Fluid Therapy, 75 7 MONITORING, 85 Steve C. Haskins Cardiovascular Monitoring, 85 Respiratory Monitoring, 102 Urologic Monitoring, 106 Neurologic Monitoring, 109 8 NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT OF CRITICAL PATIENTS, 116 Steve C. Haskins Acute Malnutrition, 116 Methods and Procedures of Providing Enteral Nutrition, 117 Methods and Procedures of Providing Parenteral Nutrition, 132 Nutrition as an Aid to Medical Therapy (Pharmaconutrition), 134 PART II SPECIFIC PROTOCOLS AND PROCEDURES FOR EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 137 9 RESPIRATORY EMERGENCIES, 139 Kenneth J. Drobatz and Douglass K. Macintire General Approach/Methods of Oxygen Delivery, 139 Upper Airway Obstruction (Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea), 142 Pleural Space Disease, 154 Lower Airway Disease, 171 Parenchymal Disease, 179 Cyanosis, 185 Mechanical Ventilation, 185 10 CARDIAC EMERGENCIES, 192 Douglass K. Macintire Clinical Signs, 192 Diagnosis, 193 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 193 Management of Specific Conditions, 199 11 GASTROINTESTINAL EMERGENCIES, 226 Douglass K. Macintire Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 226 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 226 Management of Specific Conditions, 231 12 UROLOGIC EMERGENCIES, 269 Kenneth J. Drobatz and William D. Saxon Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 269 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 270 Management of Specific Conditions, 279 13 NEUROLOGIC EMERGENCIES, 297 Michelle B. Carnes, Douglass K. Macintire, and William D. Saxon Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 297 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 297 Management of Specific Conditions, 298 14 HEMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES, 333 Douglass K. Macintire Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 333 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 335 Management of Specific Conditions, 342 15 ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC EMERGENCIES, 355 William D. Saxon, Kenneth J. Drobatz, and Douglass K. Macintire Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 355 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 355 Management of Specific Conditions, 359 16 REPRODUCTIVE EMERGENCIES, 397 Douglass K. Macintire and William D. Saxon Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 397 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 398 Management of Specific Conditions, 399 17 PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, 405 Douglass K. Macintire and William D. Saxon Resuscitation of Neonates (Birth to 2 weeks), 405 Diseases of Infant Animals (2 6 weeks), 410 Diseases of Juvenile Animals (6 12 weeks), 413 18 OCULAR EMERGENCIES, 418 William D. Saxon and Deborah Mandell Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, 418 Diagnostic and Monitoring Procedures, 419 Management of Specific Conditions, 421 19 DERMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES, 441 Robert Kennis and Douglass K. Macintire Clinical Signs and Diagnosis, 441 Diagnostic Procedures, 442 Management of Specific Conditions, 443 20 TOXICOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES, 453 Kenneth J. Drobatz Diagnosis, Clinical Signs, 453 Initial Approach to the Poisoned Patient, 454 Management of Specific Toxicities, 457 21 MISCELLANEOUS EMERGENCIES, 479 William D. Saxon, Kenneth J. Drobatz, and Douglass K. Macintire Heat Illness, 479 Hypothermia, 481 Frostbite, 484 Near Drowning (Submersion Injury), 485 Insect and Spider Bites, 487 Snakebites, 490 Electrocution, 493 Fever of Unknown Origin, 495 APPENDICES, 499 A. Calibration Tables for the Schiotz Tonometer, 499 B. Normal Values for the Canine and Feline Electrocardiogram, 501 C. CPCR Guidelines, 502 D. Common Equations, 505 E. Constant Rate Infusions, 506 F. Conversion Tables, 511 G. Normal Values for Oxygen and Hemodynamic Parameters, 514 H. Toxicology, 517 I. Transfusion Guide, 522 J. Drug Formulary, 524 K. Guidelines for Anesthesia in Animals with Critical Problems, 652 INDEX, 657
Publisher: Iowa State University Press
Publication date: July, 2012
Pages: 704
Dimensions: 190.00 x 247.00 x 35.00
Weight: 1490g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine