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Main description:
This 2nd edition of the UK's best selling book on medical school interviews contains up to date information on NHS current issues and extensive advice on how to handle MMI-style interviews. This book presents an in-depth look at over 150 medical school interview questions. The book provides you with techniques to address the various types of questions, analyses good and bad examples of answers, teaches you how to add depth to your answers and how to answer those difficult ethical scenarios and lateral thinking questions. If someone asked you: Why medicine? or What are the qualities of a good doctor? Would you crumble or would you respond with the same old cliche as the next candidate? How about: What makes a good team player? Are you a leader or a follower? Should alcoholics receive liver transplants? Was it a good idea to send a man to the moon?
Publisher: ISC Medical
Publication date: June, 2013
Pages: 360
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice
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