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Main description:
Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant is a comprehensive text that delineates the role of the occupational therapy assistant in the delivery of mental health services.
Christine Manville and Jeremy Keough provide information and learning activities that enable the student to build knowledge of mental health practice, incorporating approaches used in the traditional medical model, as well as the community. The impact of mental illness on occupational performance across the lifespan is also examined.
Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant guides the reader in how to analyze the service environment, including cultural, societal and political factors; explore the client's participation in age-appropriate, meaningful occupations; and, under supervision of the occupational therapist, provide treatment that includes 1:1 and group interventions.
Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant structures each chapter to provide an enhanced approach to student learning by incorporating concepts from Bloom's Taxonomy. Current and emerging trends in mental health practice are discussed, as well as service provision in the traditional medical model. The appendices include a discussion of additional factors that impact the provision and efficacy of therapy services, including pharmacology and ethical and legal issues.
Provides an overview of the DSM-5 and the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. These classification systems provide a common language for practitioners from a variety of disciplines to communicate about the impact of mental illness on occupational performance and participation
Describes the use of general educational strategies to enhance the teaching/learning process in the provision of occupational therapy services
Terminology from the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, Third Edition is utilized to enhance the development of clinical reasoning and practice skills
Provides information on how to communicate effectively with clients
Mental health practice is viewed across the lifespan
Instructor's materials include PowerPoint presentations, student study sheets, tests questions, and application questions for each chapter
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom.
Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant is an excellent side-by-side resource for the occupational therapy assistant, occupational therapist, or any practitioner working in a mental health setting.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Unique Features of This Text
Chapter 1 Scope of Practice in Mental Health Occupational Therapy
Lori T. Andersen, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Jeremy L. Keough, MSOT, OTR/L
Chapter 2 Standards of Practice in Mental Health Occupational Therapy
Jeremy L. Keough, MSOT, OTR/L and Christine A. Manville, EdD, OTR/L
Chapter 3 A Public Health Approach to Children's Mental Health in Occupational Therapy
Susan S. Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 4 Development and Participation in Occupation: The Early Lifespan
Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 5 Occupational Therapy Intervention: Promoting Occupational Participation
Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 6 Occupational Environment of the Mid-Lifespan
Lee Ann Fallet, MA, CRC, OTR/L
Chapter 7 Development and Participation in Occupation: The Mid-Lifespan
Christine A. Manville, EdD, OTR/L
Chapter 8 Intervention Strategies: Combining Performance and Skills
Christine A. Manville, EdD, OTR/L
Chapter 9 Occupational Environment of the Late Lifespan
Jeremy L. Keough, MSOT, OTR/L
Chapter 10 Participation in Occupation in the Late Lifespan
Janice Ryan, OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 11 Improving Occupational Performance During the Late Lifespan
Janice Ryan, OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 12 Therapeutic Rapport: Applications of the Intentional Relationship Model
Renee R. Taylor, PhD and Su Ren Wong, BOccThy, OTR/L
Chapter 13 Use of Therapeutic Groups in Occupational Therapy Treatment
Christine A. Manville, EdD, OTR/L
Chapter 14 The Group Leader
Christine A. Manville, EdD, OTR/L
Appendix A Website Resources
Appendix B Psychotropic Medications
J. Michael McGuire, PharmD, BCPP and Cathy H. Ficzere, PharmD, BCPS
Appendix C Ethical and Legal Issues in Mental Health
Yvette Hachtel, JD, MEd, OTR/L and Lea C. Brandt, OTD, MA, OTR/L
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: January, 2016
Pages: 375
Weight: 1644g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Occupational Therapy