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Main description:
What size is 'just right' for a care provider? This book explores size as an independent variable in care services. Using interviews and surveys with 108 people using services and carers in 27 case-study organisations it focuses on the contribution micro-enterprise can make to the care sector.
Introduction: what size is `just right' for a care provider?;
Why study size?;
Enterprise and care;
Methods for co-productive research;
What it means to be micro;
Micro-enterprises: better outcomes at a lower cost;
Enacting personalisation on a micro scale;
Micro innovation: what, how and who?;
How micro-enterprise performs;
Sustainability: are micro-enterprises built to last?;
Conclusion: scaling down?;
Appendix 1: Site one interview schedule;
Appendix 2: Adapted ASCOT tool;
Appendix 3: Developing the innovation theme codes.
Publisher: Policy Press
Publication date: December, 2016
Pages: 224
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice