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Molecular Description of Biological Membranes by Computer Aided Conformational Analysis
Volume I
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Main description:

The goal of these two volumes is to help fill the gap between theory and experiment in membrane science. This is the only work available today which covers the domain of computer-aided conformational analyses of membranes. Written in a detailed, yet comprehensive manner, this book uses the semi-empirical approach as a way to give a molecular description of the membrane structure in organized systems. This interesting work establishes the validity and quality of the prediction by making a permanent comparison with the experimental data. This reference aims to use this comparison to open a new avenue in the molecular description of the biological membrane. Those involved with biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, and biology will find these volumes interesting and informative.


1. Computer Simulation of Cooperative Phenomena in Lipid Membrane 2. Computer-Aided Investigations of the Nydrophobic Core of Lipid Monolayer 3. Computer-Aided Methods for Study of Lipid Chain Packing in Model Biomembranes and Micelles 4. Computer Simulation of Biological Membranes 5. Determination of Chain Conformations in the Membrane Interior by Brownian Dynamics Simulations 6. Theoretical Analysis of Membrane Molecular Organization 7. Molecular Conformations of Phorbol Ester in a Simulated Lipid-Water Interface 8. Deformation of the Lipid-Water Interface Mediated by Phospholipids or Peptides 9. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Membrane Lipids 10. Hauser 11. Polarized Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate the Conformation and Orientation of Membrane Components


ISBN-13: 9781315895666
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: December, 2023
Pages: 336
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry


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