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Molecular Life Sciences
An Encyclopedic Reference
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Main description:

Molecular Life Sciences: An Encyclopedic Reference is a partnership between the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Springer. A major encyclopedic work, it will consist of multiple volumes focusing on understanding biological phenomena at the level of molecules and their interactions that govern life processes. Articles will include those with a focus on genes and genomes, and will contain areas such as DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination, Genes: Structure and Regulation, RNA Structure, Metabolism and Catalysis, Protein Synthesis, Post-translational Modification and Degradation, Transcription, Chromatin and Epigenetics, RNA Mediated Regulation and Non-Coding RNA, Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Computational Approaches to Structure and Function. Also included will be articles on Protein Structure and  Function featuring secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure, Protein  Folding, Protein Dynamics, Enzyme Catalysis and Regulation, Metabolism and Bioenergetics, Ligand Binding and Protein Interactions, Mechanisms of Signal Transduction, Signal Transduction and Immunity, Molecular Basis of Cell and Developmental Biology, and Signal Transduction and Systems Biology. The molecular aspects of cell structure and function will be included with articles on Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices, Lipids and Lipoproteins, Membrane Transport, Structure, Function and Biogenesis, and Metabolomics and Systems Biology; also included will be Unifying Concepts and Theory from Biology, Chemistry and Physics that are foundational for understanding the molecular life sciences together with articles on Teaching Perspectives and Assessment Tools.

Each volume will include an overview describing the inter-relatedness of the themes of the section to facets of the molecular life sciences. Detailed overviews will be included along with a number of mini-reviews and shorter discussions of details and definitions, including appropriate experimental approaches.


Complete project will comprise a twelve volume series in print format and an online version Focuses on understanding biological phenomena at the level of molecules and their interactions that govern life processes

Each volume will contain a series of sections focused in specific areas of the discipline, making each entry accessible to people with diverse backgrounds in biology, chemistry, math and computer science or physics who work in any of the sub-disciplines of the subject and also to those in related areas


ISBN-13: 9781461415299
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: May, 2016
Pages: 10000
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry


Dr. Ellis Bell earned his Ph.D. from Oxford University and is currently a Professor of chemistry at University of Richmond, where his research is focused on how dynamic aspects of protein structure are involved in both catalysis and allosteric regulation of multi-subunit proteins. He is highly influential and well-respected in the field, particularly in the research of protein structure and function, enzyme kinetics and allosteric regulation, protein folding, and structural genomics. Dr. Bell is a governing member of The Protein Society (Education Committee); a member of ASBMB, where he initiated ASBMB’s Undergraduate Affiliate Network; and a member of the National Science Foundation’s Biomolecular Systems Cluster, among other organizations.

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