Mosby's Nursing Video Skills - Intermediate Skills DVD
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Main description:
Help students learn how to correctly perform intermediate nursing procedures with these interactive, engaging videos. Clear, step-by-step demonstrations of 45 key nursing procedures present the skills needed for confident performance in labs and clinicals. For each skill, students can also test their understanding with NCLEX® examination-style review questions with rationales.
Pressure Ulcers and Wound Care
- Assessing wounds
- Irrigating wounds
- Changing dressings
- Managing wound drainage systems
- Caring for pressure ulcers
- Inserting a nasogastric feeding tube
- Providing enteral feedings
- Irrigating a feeding tube
- Removing a feeding tube
- Establishing & maintaining sterile field
- Adding items to a sterile field
- Pouring a sterile solution
- Using a pre-packaged sterile kit
- Performing sterile gloving
- Pouching a colostomy
- Pouching a ureterostomy
- Ensuring oxygen safety
- Setting oxygen flow rates
- Applying a nasal cannula or a face mask
- Maintaining an airway
- Providing tracheostomy care
- Performing oropharyngeal suctioning
- Performing nasotracheal suctioning
- Suctioning an artificial airway
- Providing postoperative care
- Managing pain
- Managing a nasogastric tube
- Performing a preoperative assessment
- Promoting family support and participation
- Teaching postoperative exercises and pain management
- Preparing a patient for surgery
- Collecting a midstream urine specimen
- Performing fecal occult blood testing
- Performing gastric occult blood and pH testing
- Collecting a sputum specimen
- Collecting a specimen for wound culture
- Performing blood glucose testing
- Screening urine for chemical properties
- Inserting an indwelling urinary catheter in a female patient
- Inserting an indwelling urinary catheter in a male patient
- Irrigating a urinary catheter
- Performing intermittent straight catheterization
- Obtaining a sterile urine specimen
- Removing indwelling urinary catheter
- Caring for suprapubic catheter
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