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Main description:
This portable, practical guide covers all aspects of health assessment in a concise, step-by-step format. The logical head-to-toe organization provides a quick reference whether you're assessing a specific body system or conducting a complete physical exam. The new streamlined format and spiral binding make this edition easy to use in both educational and clinical settings.
1. Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making
2. Application of Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making
3. Nursing Health History and Interview Process
4. Preparing for the Physical Examination
5. Integument
6. Head, Neck, and Lymph Nodes
7. Eyes
8. Ears
9. Nose and Sinuses
10. Mouth, Pharynx, and Throat
11. Thorax and Lungs
12. Heart and Vascular System
13. Breasts
14. Abdomen
15. Female Genital-Urinary
16. Male Genital-Urinary
17. Rectum and Anus
18. Musculoskeletal System
19. Neurological System
20. Nutrition
Appendix A: NANDA List of Nursing Diagnosis
Appendix B: Temperature Conversion Chart
Appendix C: Adult Height and Weight Table
Appendix D: Body Mass Index
Appendix E: Snellen Eye Chart
Appendix F: E Chart
Appendix G: Rosenbaum Chart for Near Vision
Appendix H: U.S. Food Guide Pyramid
Appendix I: Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating
Appendix J: Vegetarian Food Pyramid
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