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Main description:
Motion Correction in MR: Correction of Position, Motion, and Dynamic Changes, Volume Eight provides a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art in motion detection and correction in magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The book describes the problem of correctly and consistently identifying and positioning the organ of interest and tracking it throughout the scan. The basic principles of how image artefacts arise because of position changes during scanning are described, along with retrospective and prospective techniques for eliminating these artefacts, including classical approaches and methods using machine learning.
Internal navigator-based approaches as well as external systems for estimating motion are also presented, along with practical applications in each organ system and each MR modality covered. This book provides a technical basis for physicists and engineers to develop motion correction methods, giving guidance to technologists and radiologists for incorporating these methods in patient examinations.
Part 1: Motion in MR scans 1. Clinical Impact: Why do Patients Move? 2. Impact of Motion on Research Studies 3. Cost Economy of Motion 4. Physical and Pharmacologic Solutions 5. Psychosocial Solutions
Part 2: Consistent Anatomical Selection 6. Automatically Detecting Anatomy 7. Anatomical Coordinate Systems
Part 3: Scan Quality and Motion Metrics 8. Metrics for Motion and MR Quality Assessment 9. Digital and Physical Phantoms for Motion Simulation 10. Analytics/Modality Log Files
Part 4: Dynamic Effects that Compromise Scan Quality in MRI 11. Types of Motion 12. Other Dynamic Changes
Part 5: Methods of Detecting Motion and Associated Field Changes in Real Time 13. External Trackers 14. k-Space Navigators 15. Image-Space Navigators 16. Navigators Without Gradients
Part 6: Retrospective Correction 17. Retrospective Correction of Motion in Images 18. Effects of Motion on Acceleration Techniques 19. Retrospective Correction of Secondary Effects of Motion 20. Machine Learning
Part 7: Prospective Correction 21. Prospective Real-Time Motion Correction and Reacquisition 22. Prospective B0 Correction
Part 8: Clinical Applications Beyond the Brain 23. Body Imaging 24. Musculoskeletal Imaging 25. Cardiac Imaging
Part 9: Technical Applications by Method 26. Spectroscopy, CEST and MT 27. High Resolution Structural Brain Imaging 28. Amplified MR and Physiological Motion 29. Diffusion Imaging 30. Non-Cartesian Imaging 31. Functional MRI
Part 10: Special Applications 32. Fetal and Placental Imaging 33. Neonatal and Pediatric Imaging 34. PET/MR 35. Non-Human Imaging
Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press Inc)
Publication date: October, 2022
Pages: 648
Weight: 1220g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Radiology