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Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa
Disease, Governance, Climate Change
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Main description:

Today's era of intense globalization has unleashed dynamic movements of people, pathogens, and pests that overwhelm the static territorial jurisdictions on which the governance provided by sovereign states and their formal intergovernmental institutions is based. This world of movement calls for new ideas and institutions to govern people's health, above all in Africa, where the movements and health challenges are the most acute. This book insightfully explores these challenges in ways that put the perspectives of Africans themselves at centre stage. It begins with the long central and still compelling African health challenge of combating the pandemic of HIV/AIDS. It then examines the global governance responses by the major multilateral organizations of the World Bank and the World Trade Organization and the newer informal flexible democratically oriented ones of the Group of Eight. It also addresses the compounding health challenge created by climate change to assess both its intensifying impact on Africa and how all international institutions have largely failed to link climate and health in their governance response. It concludes with several recommendations about the innovative ideas and institutions that offer a way to closing the great global governance gaps and thus improving Africans' health and that of citizens beyond.


Part I Introduction; Chapter 1 Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa, John J.Kirton; Part II Africa's Health Challenges and Concepts; Chapter 2 Moving Health Sovereignty, ObijioforAginam; Chapter 3 South Africa's Sovereignty and HIV/AIDS, Annamarie BindenagelSehovi?; Chapter 4 AIDS and Security in the Twenty-First Century, PieterFourie; Chapter 5 Assessing African Health Governance amid Global Biopolitics, SiphamandlaZondi; Chapter 6 Conceptual Events, Dennis G.Willms; Part III Global Governance Responses; Chapter 7 Doing Things Differently, Oscar F.Picazo; Chapter 8 Can the World Trade Organization Be Trusted? The Impact of Trade Law and Politics in Global Health Governance, RangariraiMachemedze; Chapter 9 G8 Health Governance for Africa, John J.Kirton, JenileeGuebert, JuliaKulik; Part IV Connecting Health and Climate Change in Global Governance; Chapter 10 The Impact of Climate Change on Health Governance and Sovereignty in Africa, NelsonSewankambo, James K.Tumwine, HanyBesada; Chapter 11 Innovation for Integrated Climate-Health Governance for Africa, FranklynLisk; Chapter 12 Connecting Climate Change and Health, John J.Kirton, JenileeGuebert; Part V Conclusion; Chapter 13 Conclusion, John J.Kirton;


ISBN-13: 9781409450481
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Publication date: September, 2014
Pages: 294
Weight: 748g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Public Health


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