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Main description:
The book covers the basic concept of surgical and oncosurgical disciplines as a whole, as well as the management of surgical patients from pre-op preparation to discharge, i.e., all the basics needed for a successful outcome for oncosurgical patients. It covers surgical safety, the consumer protection act, medico-legal aspects, the importance of documentation, research and publications, and managing complications. The respective chapters cover pre-operative, intra-operative, and ICU management of cancer patients, based on a multi-disciplinary approach. Additionally, they highlight recent advances in surgical oncology and so-called incurable cancers.
Edited and written by an interdisciplinary team of experts in oncology and palliative care, the book is intended as a clinically useful guide to the overlapping topics of pain management in cancer patients and the treatment of cancer in patients with multiple co-morbidities like cardiovascular, respiratory disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Given its scope, it will benefit multi-disciplinary oncologists, pain, palliative and intensive care experts, as well as students of surgical disciplines, from MBBS, MS and DNB, to MRCS, MCh and FRCS.
Basic Principles of Surgery and Oncosurgery.- Importance of Preoperative Assessment of Cancer Patients.- Preoperative Evaluation and Optimization of Surgical Patients.- Importance of Preoperative Assessment in Cancer Patients.- Proper Counselling and Consent of the Patients for Medico Legal Aspects.- Perioperative Nutrition and Hygiene and its Importance.- Perioperative Management of Co-morbid Conditions in Cancer Patients.- Surgical Safety Check List - Relevance and Importance.- Intraoperative Management of Surgical Patient both Anesthesia and Technical Aspects of Surgery.- Postoperative Fluid, Electrolytes and Nutritional Management -Present Perspective.- Post Operative Acute Pain Management.- Perioperative Pain Management - Present Standard Guidelines.- Antiseptic Policy - What Could be Relevant for Surgical Site Infection (SSI) and Abdominal Sepsis.- Nosocomial Infections and Hospital Acquired Illnesses - An Overview.- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - Prophylaxis and Therapeutic.- Importance of Documentation of Cancer Patient Records and Statistical Significance.- Cancer Research and Publication -Relevance in Today's World.- Critical Care Management of Postoperative Onco-Surgical Patients.- Blood and Blood Transfusion in Oncosurgical Patients - Importance and Relevance.- Management of Surgical Wounds, Wounds Healing and Burst abdomen.- Medical negligence, Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and surgeons.- Intestinal Obstruction in Cancer Patients - An Overview.- An Overview of Postoperative Enterocutaneous Fistula and Vasicovaginal Fistula.- Management of Chylous Ascites in Postoperative Oncosurgical Patients .- Management of Anastomotic Leak after Oncosurgical Approach.- Management of Postoperative Jaundice after Oncosurgery.- Palliative Care in Cancer when Operation Should not be an Option.- Comprehensive Surgical Training: Role of Surgeons in Training their Juniors'.- Postoperative Immediate Complications in Oncosurgical Patients.- Role of Minimal Invasive Surgery in Oncology.
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag, Singapore)
Publication date: March, 2022
Pages: 358
Weight: 863g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology