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Main description:
Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 3rd Edition, provides the nursing student and practicing nurse with important information about how drugs act and interact in the treatment of disease.
This essential pharmacology reference focuses on the mechanisms of drug action; details specific drugs by pharmacologic class; reviews the nursing process related to each drug category for all body systems, plus pain medications, anti-infective drugs, and cancer drugs; and highlights potentially dangerous interactions, including drug-herb interactions.
It does all of this in the award-winning, lighthearted Incredibly Easy style that makes intimidating concepts thoroughly approachable. This completely updated third edition includes the most current NANDA diagnoses and covers Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics, interactions, adverse reactions, and nursing process considerations for each drug.
If you are still learning, Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy will help you master complex subjects in minutes with Quick Quizzes at the end of each chapter to gauge learning and special elements found throughout the text to make it easy to understand and remember key points and information, including:
- A "Before you give that drug" icon that calls out important warnings that should be considered before administration
- "Just the facts" -- learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
- An “Education edge” icon that highlights patient teaching information
- A “Pharm function” icon that provides clear, illustrated explanations about a drugs actions in the body
- A “Prototype pr” icon that presents common drug prototypes by pharmacologic class for all body systems
And if that’s not enough you can go online to the easiest website to use...ever...where you’ll find valuable resources, including a dosage calculator, pharmacology animations, prototype drug information, medication safety tips, mechanisms of action...and Instructor ancillaries, including teaching tips, student activities, test bank, and PowerPoint slides.
Your grasp of pharmacology will never be clearer and no text will ever be easier to use than Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy.
Contributors and consultants
Not another boring foreword
1 Fundamentals of nursing pharmacology
2 Autonomic nervous system drugs
3 Neurologic and neuromuscular drugs
4 Pain medications
5 Cardiovascular drugs
6 Respiratory drugs
7 Gastrointestinal drugs
8 Genitourinary drugs
9 Hematologic drugs
10 Endocrine drugs
11 Psychotropic drugs
12 Anti-infective drugs
13 Anti-inflammatory, antiallergy, and immunosuppressant drugs
14 Antineoplastic drugs
15 Drugs for fluid and electrolyte balance
Appendices and index
Ophthalmic and dermatologic drugs
Medication safety
Abbreviations to avoid
Selected references
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 736
Weight: 3g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Pharmacology
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