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Nutrition and the Eye
A Practical Approach
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Main description:

Contemporary, current and clinical, Nutrition and the Eye: a practical approach provides essential, up to date information on the effects of nutrition on vision. Separating myths from realities, it will assist 'front line' eye-care practitioners in their clinical procedures and help them in providing information, all of which is backed by evidence-based research, to the people in their care. From basic sciences to supplements this book provides a concise, practical yet complete overview of our current understanding.

  • Down to earth, practical yet evidence-based information means you will be able to answer all those awkward questions concerning nutrition and the eye
  • The book builds upon basic sciences which will improve your understanding of the topic and enable informed clinical decision making
  • An essential practice manual you can find the information quickly
  • An invaluable clinical manual for all optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists, nutritionists and all those involved in the management of low vision.

  • Contents:

    Section 1 Introduction to nutrition for vision scientists
    1.1 Introduction and definitions Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.2 Optimal nutrition Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.3 Food groups and types Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.4 A healthy diet - how much to eat? Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.5 Digestion, absorption and transport of foods Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.6 Bioavailability of foods Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    1.7 Measures of nutritional status Geraldine J Cuskelly and Ian S Young
    Section 2 Nutrients and nutrient derivatives relevant to ocular health
    2.1 Proteins Orla O'Donovan
    2.2 Lipids Orla O'Donovan
    2.3 Carbohydrates Orla O'Donovan
    2.4 Vitamins John Nolan and Kumari Neelam
    2.5 Minerals and trace elements John Nolan
    2.6 Carotenoids John Nolan
    2.7 Oxidative stress and the eye John Nolan and Stephen Beatty
    Section 3 Nutrition and ocular senescence
    3.1 Vitamin A deficiency Hannah Bartlett
    3.2 Vitamin C deficiency and ocular disease Hannah Bartlett
    3.3 Vitamin E deficiency Hannah Bartlett
    3.4 Retinitis pigmentosa Hannah Bartlett
    Section 4 Nutrition and ocular senescence
    4.1 Nutrition and malnutrition in the elderly Jayne V Woodside and Ian S Young
    4.2 The ageing eye Ruth Hogg
    4.3 Dry eye disorders Frank Eperjesi
    4.4 Glaucoma Frank Eperjesi
    4.5 Cataract Frank Eperjesi
    4.6 Age-related macular degeneration Rasha Al Taie, John Nolan and Kumari Neelam
    Section 5 Recent advances in research into nutrition-related eye health
    5.1 Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) Ruth Hogg and Usha Chakravarthy
    5.2 Carotenoids In Age-Related Eye Disease Study (CAREDS) Ruth Hogg and Usha Chakravarthy
    5.3 Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial (LAST) Frank Eperjesi
    5.4 The Aston Randomized Controlled Trial (Aston RCT) Hannah Bartlett
    5.5 Celtic Age-Related Maculopathy Arrestation (CARMA) Study Stephen Beatty and Usha Chakravarthy
    Section 6 Contraindications, adverse reactions and ocular nutritional supplements
    6.1 Contraindications, adverse reactions and ocular nutritional supplements Hannah Bartlett and Frank Eperjesi
    Section 7 Conclusions
    7.1 Conclusions Frank Eperjesi and Stephen Beatty


    ISBN-13: 9780750688161
    Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
    Publication date: March, 2006
    Pages: 280
    Weight: 652g
    Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
    Subcategories: Nutrition, Ophthalmology and Optometry


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