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Obesity Medicine Made Easy
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Main description:

Obesity is a complex disease, and this brief resource offers a comprehensive review of the most recent evidence on the multitude of ways to help treat this condition. Practically oriented for the reader to understand and easily apply the knowledge to patients, it specifically focuses on the lifestyle medicine approach to obesity management. This means applying the science of nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress with the help of cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing skills, positive psychology, and the circadian rhythm. This approach is combined with information on anti-obesity medications and bariatric surgery in a concise manner, immensely useful for the busy clinician.

Key Features:
* Captures the attention of the readers through a concise, lucid style of text and its organization.
* Offers clarity on a common yet complex topic to physicians, dieticians, nurse practitioners and healthcare providers, leading to a change in practice and helping patients improve their weight which would impact underlying medical conditions.
* Includes a comprehensive approach to management which combines the importance of medication, lifestyle habits and behavioural change.


Chapter 1: Where Are We Now
Chapter 2: Why We Should Care
Chapter 3: What We Need To Understand
A) Defining Obesity
B) Pathophysiology
C) Causes of Obesity
i) Non-modifiable
* Genetics
* Prenatal history
* Childhood
ii) Modifiable
* Epigenetics
* Medical conditions
* Food quantity
* Food quality
* Less movement
* Lack of sleep
* Stress
* Weight gaining medications
* Governmental policies
* Food marketing
D) Consequences of Obesity
E) Weight Bias
Chapter 4: What Can We Do
A) Screening & Assessment
B) Treatment

i) Lifestyle interventions
* When to eat
* How much to eat
* What to eat
* Sedentary time
* Aerobic activity
* Resistance training
* Sleep
* Stress

ii) Obesity Pharmacotherapy
iii) Surgery
Chapter 5: How Can We Be Successful
A) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
i) Therapeutic Relationship
ii) Agenda Setting
iii) Self-monitoring
iv) Goal setting
v) Motivation
vi) Accountability
vii) Problem solving
viii) Stimulus control
ix) Social support
x) Cognitive restructuring
xi) Education
xii) Assertiveness training
xiii) Relapse prevention strategies
B) Motivational Interviewing
C) Positive Psychology
D) Circadian Rhythm


ISBN-13: 9781032443218
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: August, 2023
Pages: 112
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Eating Disorders, Endocrinology, General Practice


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