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Main description:
Building on the foundation of the first edition, Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence, Second Edition continues to be unique in format by using the new 2011 ACOTE Standards as a blueprint to intricately outline a plan of action for the current practice of occupational therapy. Occupation, theory-driven, evidence-based, and client-centered practice continue to be the core of the profession and is the central focus of the Second Edition of Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence. Dr. Karen Jacobs, Nancy MacRae, and Dr. Karen Sladyk, along with more than 60 contributors, have assigned each chapter an ACOTE Standard and all ACOTE Standards are addressed throughout this forward-thinking and comprehensive new Second Edition.
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2014
Pages: 896
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy