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Orthodontics (Two Volume Set)
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Main description:

This volume is the passionate brainchild of many hands, featuring the work of members of several notable orthodontics schools, including Milan, Chieti, L'Aquila, Madrid, Naples and Messina. The content of this book is based on years of experience and research on the part of professionals from the 30-year-old Orthodontic School of Milan. Every effort is made to ensure the development of the fundamental principle on which this school is based - a concentration on a holistic approach to patient care, rather than relying on the purely mechanistic vision of most orthodontic philosophies. This volume is therefore entirely dedicated to this concept: it consists of a series of descriptive chapters focused on the global diagnosis of the different kinds of malocclusion, with detailed references to systematic relationships and to various therapeutic strategies. The division of the chapters is meant to evaluate the evolutive progress of the orthodontic patient's growth, investing in every step, including diagnosis, therapeutic and prognostic aspects. Particular attention is devoted to methodological innovations and the interdisciplinary aspects relating to other areas of study, in addition to dentistry. The entire book was conceived to offer a clear delineation of the knowledge it contains, and to support the work of both those who are new to orthodontics, as well as seasoned professionals. The structured illustrative content enables users to efficiently understand the therapeutic choices available in both simple and complex clinical cases. The ultimate purpose is to provide a solid theoretical and practical basis on which the clinician can develop the mental flexibility to face daily challenges in a calm and serious manner.

Potential readers: medical dentists, dental practitioners, orthodontists, odontostomatologists, dental technicians, dental hygienists, students of the respective degree courses and specialization.


ISBN-13: 9788870515503
Publisher: Edi.ermes srl
Publication date: October, 2018
Pages: 1222
Dimensions: 210.00 x 297.00 x 77.00
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Dentistry


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