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Our Children and Other Animals
The Cultural Construction of Human-Animal Relations in Childhood
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Focusing on the socialization of the human use of other animals as resources in contemporary Western society, this book explores the cultural reproduction of human-nonhuman animal relations in childhood. With close attention to the dominant practices through which children encounter animals and mainstream representations of animals in children's culture - whether in terms of the selective exposure of children to animals as pets or as food in the home or in school, or the representation of animals in mass media and social media - Our Children and Other Animals reveals the interconnectedness of studies of childhood, culture and human-animal relations. In doing so it establishes the importance of human-animal relations in sociology, by describing the sociological importance of animals in children's lives and children in animals' lives. Presenting a new typology of the various kinds of human-animal relationship, this conceptually innovative book constitutes a clear demonstration of the relevance of sociology to the interdisciplinary field of human-animal relations and will appeal to readers across the social sciences with interests in sociology, childhood studies, cultural and media studies and human-animal interaction.


Part I Conceptualizing Western Human-Nonhuman Animal Relations; Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 The Use of Names: Socially Constructing Animals as 'Others'; Chapter 3 The Historical Separation of Children from Other Animals; Chapter 4 The Construction and Study of Children and Childhood; Part II The Contemporary Socialization of Human-Nonhuman Relations in Childhood; Chapter 5 Family Practices and the Shaping of Human-Nonhuman Identities; Chapter 6 Cute Style: Mass Media Representations of Other Animals; Chapter 7 Education: Making Anthroparchal Domination Reasonable; Chapter 8 Playing with Power: Virtual Relations with Other Animals in Digital Media; Part III Reconstructing Children's Relations with Other Animals: Vegan Practices and Representations; Chapter 9 We've Got to Get Out of This Place: The Utopian Vehicularity of Vegan Children's Culture; Chapter 10 Conclusion: Resisting the Zooicidal Imperative;


ISBN-13: 9781409464600
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Publication date: November, 2014
Pages: 208
Weight: 521g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues


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