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Main description:
The author has many years experience in both farm animal practice and commercial sheep farming. In this book he aims to take into account the relationship between the veterinary surgeon and the farmer by focussing on the veterinary clinical examination and inspection of husbandry practice, along with subsequent practical and cost effective advice that the veterinarian will have to discuss with the farmer. This book describes the important diseases of sheep encountered in general practice, their diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and control. It is divided into chapters based upon each body system and, where appropriate, chapters open with a suggested approach to clinical examination of that body system. Many of the chapters conclude with self-assessment exercises featuring typical clinical cases. This book will be of use to veterinarians in practice and training.
Preface. Introduction. 1. Husbandry. 2. The Reproductive System. 3. Perinatal Lamb Mortality. 4. The Digestive System. 5. The Cardiorespiratory System. 6. The Nervous System. 7. The Musculoskeletal System. 8. The Urinary System. 9. The Integumentary System. 10. Eye Diseases. 11. The Mammary Gland. 12. Metabolic Disorders. 13. Parasitic Diseases. 14. Anaesthesis. Appendix: Practice Newsletters.
Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
Publication date: September, 2006
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 194.00 x 261.00 x 24.00
Weight: 1222g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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