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Main description:
With an easy-to-use format, this book is all you need to face calculations tests with confidence and pass the first time. It teaches simple numeracy skills that will stand you in good stead, both during your initial nurse training and your career in practice. This new edition now includes tests for those students looking to undertake Continuing Professional Development to achieve Non-Medical Prescribing Nurse qualifications.
It also contains:
over 360 practice questions with an extra 400+ available online
easy-to-understand explanations that take the fear out of maths
a diagnostic chapter to help you identify problem areas
activities, scenarios and case studies from everyday nursing situations
More than just a book...
There is a dedicated website accompanying this book providing further questions and practice, interactive tests, a flashcard glossary and more.
Chapter 1: Diagnostic assessment
Chapter 2: Essential numeracy requirements for nursing
Chapter 3: Quantity conversions for nurses
Chapter 4: Fluid balance and maintenance
Chapter 5: Drug calculations
Chapter 6: Calculating intravenous rates
Chapter 7: Calculations and children
Chapter 8: Exam skills and revision exercises
Publisher: Learning Matters Ltd
Publication date: February, 2018
Pages: 160
Weight: 450g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing
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