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Main description:
Learn the technical and interpersonal skills you need to care for radiography patients! Patient Care in Radiography with an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 9th Edition provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for a wide range of patient procedures and imaging modalities. To ensure safe and effective patient care, key concepts are demonstrated visually and always applied to clinical practice. New to this edition is coverage of the latest post-image manipulation techniques and ASRT Practice Standards. Written by noted radiology educators Ruth Ann Ehrlich and Dawn Coakes, this text emphasizes important skills such as patient assessment, infection control, patient transfer, and bedside radiography.
Part I: Introduction to Radiography
1. Introduction to Radiography
2. Image Quality Factors
3. Radiation Effects and Safety
4. The Healthcare Delivery System
5. Professional Roles and Behaviors
Part II: Patient Care
6. Professional Attitudes and Communications
7. Safety
8. Infection Control Concepts
9. Preventing Disease Transmission
10. Response to Patient's Personal and Physical Needs
11. Patient Assessment
12. Patient Transfer
13. Medication Information
14. Medication Administration
15. Emergency Response
16. Dealing with Acute Situations
Part III: Patient Care in Specific Procedures and Environments
17. Preparation and Examination of the Gastrointestinal Tract
18. Surgical Asepsis
19. Contrast Media and Special Radiographic Techniques
20. Bedside Radiography: Special Conditions and Environments
21. Radiography in Surgery
22. Special Imaging Modalities
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