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Pediatric Cataract
For Every Ophthalmologist
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Main description:

The book covers all clinical aspects of pediatric cataract surgery. Chapters cover basic sciences, etiology, pre-operative evaluation, choice of intraocular lenses, steps of surgery, complications, considerations in traumatic cataract and post-operative rehabilitation. It includes photographs, diagrams, flow charts and tables for easy memorization and understanding. Multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter help to evaluate the understanding and reinforce important concepts.

The book aims to encourage ophthalmic surgeons to successfully treat children with cataract as all of them perform adult cataract surgeries but usually avoid managing pediatric cases. This hesitation is primarily due to exhaustive pre-operative evaluation and long term follow up. As a result the back log of this disease in the developing world is significant and many such children are unable to receive timely intervention during their crucial period of visual development. The chapters primarily focus on the clinically relevant issues to keep the reader interested. The book includes contributions from some of the most talented and experienced pediatric cataract surgeons.

The book is relevant for ophthalmologists not commonly practicing pediatric cataract surgery and post graduate students.


The pediatric eye.- Etiology (including genetics) of pediatric cataract.- Pre-operative evaluation of pediatric cataract.- Intraocular lenses in pediatric patients.- Pediatric cataract surgery.- Complications and subsequent procedures after cataract surgery in children.- Considerations in traumatic cataract in children.- Post-operative rehabilitation after cataract surgery in children.


ISBN-13: 9789811617386
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag, Singapore)
Publication date: June, 2022
Pages: 202
Weight: 428g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry, Paediatrics and Neonatal


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