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Main description:
Research has become increasingly clear regarding the benefits of interprofessional collaborations in health care. Pediatric therapists have long recognized that coordinated care and advocacy for children and their families promote healthy growth, development, and participation in a wide range of environments. To this end, Pediatric Therapy: An Interprofessional Framework for Practice has been designed to engage students and clinicians in interprofessional learning experiences that cultivate collaborative practice and optimize the outcomes of those served.
Dr. Catherine Rush Thompson and her team of contributors represent years of experience across the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology. Rather than discussing each of these fields in isolation, however, the text explores professional roles and responsibilities, emphasizing essential skills needed for collaboration in a range of pediatric settings.
Key Interprofessional Concepts Covered:
Foundations and philosophies that serve as a basis for pediatric care
Assessing infants, children, youth, and adolescents in various situations
Legal and ethical considerations impacting pediatric care
Unique issues encountered in settings where pediatric therapies are offered
Using current evidence and the clinical reasoning process for designing and modifying interventions
Each section of Pediatric Therapy offers case-based learning activities requiring interprofessional collaboration for clinical reasoning to optimize care. This approach encourages an appreciation of the importance of holistic care, as well as an understanding of the roles, frames of reference, and approaches favored by each discipline.
Pediatric therapists and others who work in healthcare and educational settings will appreciate Pediatric Therapy: An Interprofessional Framework for Practice as a guide for developing the interprofessional competencies needed to achieve desired outcomes for children and their families.
About the Primary Editor
About the Associate Editors
Contributing Authors
Section 1 Interprofessional Approaches to Pediatric Practice
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS and Pamela Hart, PhD, CCC-SLP
Section 2 Interprofessional Frameworks of Pediatric Practice
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS; Pamela Hart, PhD, CCC-SLP; and Ketti Johnson Coffelt, OTD, MS, OTR/L
Section 3 Culturally Competent Pediatric Care
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Section 4 Overview of Human Growth and Development for Pediatric Therapists
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Section 5 Interprofessional Management of Pediatric Care
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS and Grace McConnell, PhD, CCC-SLP
Section 6 Interprofessional Care of High-Risk Infants
Pamela Hart, PhD, CCC-SLP; Carol Koch, EdD, CCC-SLP; and
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Section 7 Teamwork in Early Intervention
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS and Lauren Little, PhD, OTR/L
Section 8 Working With Families of Young Children With Special Needs
Ketti Johnson Coffelt, OTD, MS, OTR/L and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Section 9 Providing Support for Children 5 to 21 Years in the Educational Setting
Joan Delahunt, OTD, MS, OTR/L; Mildred Oligbo, PT, DPT;
Pamela Hart, PhD, CCC-SLP; and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Section 10 Providing Interprofessional Medical Care for Children and Adolescents
Brandi Dorton, DPT; Stephanie Orr, PT, DPT, PCS; Joan Delahunt, OTD, MS, OTR/L; Lynn Drazinski, MA, CCC-SLP; and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Appendix A Interprofessional Engagement With Children: Testing Developmental Reflexes
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Appendix B Interprofessional Communication: Selecting Tests and Measures
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Appendix C Interprofessional Collaboration: Wheelchair and Seating Evaluation
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Appendix D Pediatric Professional Role Play: A Case for Assistive Technology
Pamela Hart, PhD, CCC-SLP
Appendix E Evaluating and Using Professional Websites
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Appendix F Educational Resources: Videos and Books Related to Pediatric Therapy
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: February, 2018
Pages: 250
Weight: 703g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Physiotherapy