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Pediatrics Examination and Board Review
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An Engagingly Written, Case-Based Review for the Pediatrics Board Exam

McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Pediatrics is the perfect resource to help you prepare for the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) certification or recertification examination. Written in a refreshing conversational tone, this unique review utilizes a case-based presentation that includes questions, answers, and discussion. Numerous tables, figures, and photographs encapsulate important information and make it easier for readers to study and remember. The content is weighted to match the board exam - so you can focus on what you really need to know for the highest score possible.

* The 35 chapters in the book correspond to the 35 sections of the ABP content specifications

* Each chapter is written by specialists in the topic

* Comprehensive final exam appears at the end of the book

* Great as clinical refresher

* Each question is referenced to chapter content for more in-depth study


1. Adolescent Medicine and Gynecology

2. Allergic and Immunologic Disorders

3. Behavioral and Mental Health Issues

4. Blood and Neoplastic Disorders

5. Cardiovascular Disorders

6. Cognition, Language and Learning Disorders

7. Collagen Vascular and Other Multisystem Disorders

8. Critical Care

9. Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

10. Emergency Care

11. Endocrine Disorders

12. Ethics

13. Eye Disorders

14. Fetus and Newborn

15. Fluids and Electrolyte Metabolism

16. Gastrointestinal Disorders

17. Genetics and Dysmorphology

18. Genital System Disorders

19. Growth and Development

20. Infectious Disease

21. Metabolic Disorders

22. Musculoskeletal Disorders

23. Neurologic Disorders

24. Nutrition

25. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

26. Pharmacology and Pain Management

27. Poisoning

28. Preventative Pediatrics

29. Psychosocial Issues and Child Abuse

30. Research and Statistics

31. Renal and Urologic Disorders

32. Respiratory Disorders

33. Skin Disorders

34. Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness

35. Substance Abuse

36. Final Examination


ISBN-13: 9780071847681
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (McGraw-Hill Inc.,US)
Publication date: September, 2016
Pages: 800
Weight: 1922g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Paediatrics and Neonatal


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