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Pocket Tutor Paediatric Clinical Examination
Series: Pocket Tutor
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Main description:

Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with "on the go". Their highly affordable price represents great value for those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment.

Common investigations (ECG, Chest X-Ray, etc)
Clinical skills (procedures, patient examination, etc)

Important and/or complex specialties in which students receive comparatively little dedicated training (psychiatry, renal medicine)

Key Features

Highly affordable price and convenient pocket size format - fits in back pocket!

An indispensable guide to the examination of children, one of the most intimidating aspects of clinical practice for medical students and junior doctors, as it involves dealing with newborn babies through to teenagers (often also the child's parents or guardians) and requires different communication skills and knowledge.

Logical, sequential content: introductory chapters on the principles of paediatric history taking and examination, then chapters devoted to each body system and a closing chapter on clinical procedures.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: History taking

Chapter 3: Examination

Chapter 4: Nutrition, growth and development

Chapter 5: The baby check and 6 to 8-week check

Chapter 6 : Respiratory examination

Chapter 7: Cardiovascular examination

Chapter 8: Abdominal examination

Chapter 9: Neurological examination

Chapter 10: Musculoskeletal examination

Chapter 11: Lumps and Bumps

Chapter 12: Skin and rashes

Chapter 13: Ear, nose and throat

Chapter 14: Eyes

Chapter 15: Syndromes

Chapter 16: Procedures in Paediatrics


ISBN-13: 9781907816352
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (JP Medical Ltd)
Publication date: October, 2012
Pages: 232
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Medical Diagnosis, Paediatrics and Neonatal
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