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Practical Guide to Simulation in Delivery Room Emergencies
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Main description:

In this book the use of hybrid simulation in delivery room emergencies is described and shown. The use of a patient actor combined with a task trainer within the same session substantially improve the training for practical management of intrapartum emergencies in real life, reducing the risk of failure of operative vaginal delivery and of related adverse events, including perinatal or maternal complications. Furthermore, simulation with high reality computerized mannequin and scenography of emergency situation can improve technical and manual skills of the participants.

For this book and the related videos, a new generation of mannequins suitable for both clinical manoeuvres and ultrasound examination is used to simulate all clinical scenarios of emergency that can happen in the delivery room for both the mother and the child.

This unique book is a useful tool for medical students, residents, practicing pediatricians, anesthetists, obstetricians and all health care professionals working in the delivery room in their ability to deal with critical and emergency situations with safety and good medical practice.


The History of the Simulation in Obstetrics.- Theory of Obstetric Simulation Education.- Licensure, Certification and Credentialiting of the Instructors.- Shoulder Dystocia Simulation.- Simulation of Vacuum Extractor.- Simulation of Forceps Application.- Dystocic Labor and Delivery and Intrapartum Ultrasonographic Simulation.- Hemorrhagic Shock: Obstetric and Anesthesiologic Simulation Procedures.- Postpartum Hemorrhage and Simulation of Conservative Surgical Techniques.- Simulation of Triage in Obstetric Emergency.- Communication Skills Simulation.- Eclampsia Simulation Scenario.- Practical Simulation of Emergency Cesarean Section: Obstetric and Anesthesiological Approach.- Abnormal Invasive Placentation Simulation of Emergency Scenario: Multidisciplinary Approach.- Simulation of Pulmonary Embolism Emergency.- Sonographic Labor Analgesia Simulation of Difficult Spine and Management of Complications.- Neuraxial Labor Anesthesia and Ultrasound Detection of Lumbar Space.- Analgesia and Anesthesia in Obese Patients.- Management of Aged Pregnant Women.- Simulation of Difficult Airway Management in the Obstetric Emergency.-Simulation of Premature Neonate Life Support.- Fetal Distress and Neonatal Resuscitation.- Simulation of Umbilical Cord Catheter.- Role of Obstetric and Anesthesiological Simulation in Good Practice and Learning Curve.- Impact of the Simulation and Medico Legal Issues.


ISBN-13: 9783031100666
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing AG)
Publication date: May, 2023
Pages: None
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecology


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