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Practical Implementation Science
Moving Evidence into Action
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Main description:

Practical Implementation Science is designed for graduate health professional and advanced undergraduate students who want to master the steps of using implementation science to improve public health. Engaging and accessible, this textbook demonstrates how to implement evidence-based practices effectively through use of relevant theories, frameworks, models, tools, and research findings. Additional real-world case studies across public health, global health, and health policy provide essential context to the major issues facing implementation domestically and globally with consideration of communities in low-to-middle-income countries (LMIC).The textbook is organized around the steps involved in planning, executing, and evaluating implementation efforts to improve health outcomes in communities. Coverage spans assessing the knowledge-practice gap; selecting an evidence-based practice (EBP) to reduce the gap; assessing EBP fit and adapting the EBP; assessing barriers and facilitators of implementation; engaging stakeholders; creating an implementation structure; implementing the EBP; and evaluating the EBP effort. Each chapter includes a "how to" approach to conducting the task at hand. The text also addresses the practical importance of implementation science through disseminating EBPs; scaling up EBPs; sustaining EBPs; and de-implementing practices that are no longer effective. All chapters include learning objectives and summaries with emphasized Key Points for Practice, Common Pitfalls in Practice, and discussion questions to direct learning and classroom discussion. Fit for students of public health, health policy, nursing, medicine, mental health, behavioral health, allied health, and social work, Practical Implementation Science seeks to bridge the gap from scientific evidence to effective practice.

Key Features:

Soup to Nuts Approach - Distills the steps to selecting, adapting, implementing, evaluating, scaling up, and sustaining evidence-based practices
Expert Insight - Editors and chapter authors bring years of experience from leading implementation programs and interventions
Multidisciplinary Focus - Utilizes cases and research findings relevant to students of public health, medicine, nursing, mental health, behavioral health, and social work
Case Studies and Real-World Examples - Blends frameworks, models, and tools with real-world examples for students interested in both domestic and global health
eBook Access - Included with print purchase for use on most mobile devices or computers
Instructor's Packet - Complete with an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides, and a Sample Syllabus


Chapter 1. Introducing Implementation Science by Bryan J. Weiner, Cara C. Lewis, and Kenneth Sherr
Chapter 2. Assessing the Practice (Know-Do) Gap by Christine Fahim and Sharon E. Straus
Chapter 3. Selecting Evidence-Based Interventions to Reduce Practice Gaps by Jennifer Leeman, Mary Wangen, and Cam Escoffery
Chapter 4. Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions by Heidi La Bash, Fiona C. Thomas, and Shannon Wiltsey Stirman
Chapter 5. Identifying Barriers and Facilitators for Implementation in Diverse Settings by Maria Fernandez
Chapter 6. Engaging Stakeholders by Melanie Pellechhia, Kimberly T. Arnold, Liza Tomczuk, and Rinad S. Beidas
Chapter 7. Creating a Structure for Implementation: Building Implementation Teams and Developing Implementation Plans by Kevin Fiori, Hueiming Liu, and Lisa R. Hirschhorn
Chapter 8. Implementing an Evidence-Based Intervention by Ryan R. Singh and Lisa Saldana
Chapter 9. Evaluating and Learning in Implementation Science by Arianna Rubin Means, Bradley H. Wagenaar, Sarah J. Masyuko, and Anjuli D. Wagner
Chapter 10. Disseminating Information about Evidence-Based Interventions by Jonathan Purtle, Margaret E. Crane, Katherine L. Nelson, and Ross C. Brownson
Chapter 11. Scaling Up Evidence-Based Interventions by Ruth Simmons, Peter Fajans, and Laura Ghiron
Chapter 12. Sustaining Evidence-Based Interventions by Rachel C. Shelton and Nicole Nathan
Chapter 13. De-implementing Practices by Christian D. Helfrich
Chapter 14. Implementation Science in Policy by Heather L. Bullock, Michael G. Wilson, and John N. Lavis


ISBN-13: 9780826186928
Publisher: Springer (Springer Publishing Co Inc)
Publication date: March, 2022
Pages: 300
Weight: 333g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Epidemiology, General Practice, Public Health


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