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Prevention Practice and Health Promotion
A Health Care Professional's Guide to Health, Fitness, and Wellness
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Main description:

The all-encompassing Second Edition of Prevention Practice and Health Promotion: A Health Care Professional's Guide to Health, Fitness, and Wellness offers foundational knowledge to health care professionals implementing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to healthy, at-risk, and disabled populations.

Dr. Catherine Thompson along with her contributors, all with diverse backgrounds in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and health care, present the interdisciplinary health care perspective of health, fitness, and wellness concepts that are critical for providing preventive care to healthy, impaired, and at-risk populations using the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health model as a guideline for assessment and management.

Based upon the goals outlined in Healthy People 2020, Prevention Practice and Health Promotion, Second Edition also combines the vision of direct access for health care professionals with the goals of national health care to increase the quality of years of healthy life, as well as to eliminate health disparities between various populations. Recognizing the cost effectiveness of preventive care, health care professionals have an expanded role in health promotion and wellness, complementing evidence-based medical management of acute and chronic conditions.

Some topics covered inside Prevention Practice and Health Promotion, Second Edition include an overview of screening across the lifespan; effective interventions to promote health, fitness, and wellness; and options for program development, including marketing and management strategies to address both individual and community needs.

Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional materials to be used for teaching in the classroom.

Features of the Second Edition:

Use of the American Physical Therapy Association's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, Second Edition for health promotion
Screening tools for special populations, including children, pregnant women, older adults, individuals with developmental disabilities, and people with chronic conditions affecting their quality of life
Resources to promote healthy living, including nutrition, stress management, fitness training, and injury prevention

Perfect for clinicians, students, allied health professionals, rehabilitation specialists, physical medicine specialists, and recreation therapists, the Second Edition to Prevention Practice and Health Promotion is a valuable resource for everyone in the areas of health, fitness, and wellness.


About the Author
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Ellen F. Spake, PhD

Chapter 1 Prevention Practice: A Holistic Perspective for Health Care
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 2 Healthy People 2020
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 3 Key Components of Fitness
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 4 Fitness Training
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 5 Screening for Health, Fitness, and Wellness
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 6 Health, Fitness, and Wellness Issues During Childhood and Adolescence
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 7 Health, Fitness, and Wellness Issues During Adulthood
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 8 Women's Health Issues: Focus on Pregnancy 1
Shannon DeSalvo, PT and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 9 Prevention Practice for Older Adults
Ann Marie Decker, PT, MSA, GCS, CEEAA; Gail Regan, PhD, MS, PT; and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 10 Stress Management
Martha Highfield, PhD, RN and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 11 Nutrition
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 12 Health Protection
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 13 Prevention Practice for Musculoskeletal Conditions
Amy Foley, DPT, PT; Gail Regan, PhD, MS, PT; and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 14 Prevention Practice for Cardiopulmonary Conditions
Amy Foley, DPT, PT; Gail Regan, PhD, MS, PT; and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 15 Prevention Practice for Neurological Conditions
Mike Studer, PT, MHS, NCS, CEEAA, CWT and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 16 Preventive Care for Chronic Conditions
Amy Foley, DPT, PT and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 17 Prevention Practice for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 18 Advocacy for Preventive Care
Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 19 Marketing Health and Wellness
Steven G. Lesh, PhD, PT, SCS, ATC and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS
Chapter 20 Managing a Prevention Practice: A Business Model
Shawn T. Blakeley, PT, CWI, CEES, MBA and Catherine Rush Thompson, PT, PhD, MS

Appendix A Brief Health Information
Appendix B Developmental History
Appendix C Resources for Health, Fitness, and Wellness

Financial Disclosures


ISBN-13: 9781617110849
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: September, 2014
Pages: 392
Weight: 950g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Public Health, Rehabilitation


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