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Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education
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For courses in Health Education/Promotion/Planning (Health & Kinesiology) A solid foundation in the issues of health education and promotion, and a solid connection to the research, resources, and people involved Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education has what it takes to connect to research, resources, and practitioners in health education/promotion, while gaining a solid foundation in the history, philosophy, theory, and ethics of health education. Considered to be the best overall introduction to the growing profession of health education/promotion, it covers the roles and responsibilities of health education specialists, the settings where they are employed, and the ethics of the profession. In addition to presenting the history of health, health care, and health education/promotion, the book gives you a glimpse at what the future may hold for health education specialists.
Extensively updated to include the most current thinking and practices in the field, this new Sixth Edition includes discussions of recent health reform developments, the responsibilities and competencies of health education specialists, non-traditional health jobs, what's in store for the future of health education jobs, the use of the social media in health promotion, and much more. *The best overall introduction to the growing profession of health education/promotion: Get a solid foundation in the background, history, philosophy, theory, and ethics of health promotion and education.*A look at the profession from the people doing the job: Coverage of the roles and responsibilities of health educators, plus personal accounts of health education professionals tell the story.*NEW! Extensive updates including the most current thinking and practices in the field.*Outstanding pedagogical aids: Receive invaluable help for ensuring comprehension, including review questions, case studies, critical thinking questions, activities, and weblinks, in each chapter. Package consists of: 0321927141 / 9780321927149 Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education, 6/e


Foreword Preface Acknowledgments 1. A Background for the Profession 2. The History of Health and Health Education/Promotion 3. Philosophical Foundations 4. Theoretical Foundations 5. Ethics and Health Education/Promotion 6. The Health Education Specialist: Roles, Responsibilities, Certifications, Advanced Study 7. The Settings for Health Education/Promotion 8. Agencies/Associations/Organizations Associated with Health Education/Promotion 9. The Literature of Health Education/Promotion 10. Future Trends in Health Education/Promotion Appendix A: Development of a Unified Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession Appendix B: Responsibilities and Competencies Hierarchical Model (CUP) Glossary Credits Index


ISBN-13: 9780321927149
Publisher: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, Subs of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc
Publication date: March, 2014
Pages: 400
Dimensions: 187.00 x 231.00 x 140.00
Weight: 562g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Public Health


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